
What do you know about the Teapot Dome scandal? Could something like that happen now?

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What do you know about the Teapot Dome scandal? Could something like that happen now?




  1. Not only could, but is. As crooked as the Harding administration was, the Bush administration has it beat all ways. Such companies as Halliburton, Blackwater, and many others are robbing the country blind.

  2. Tea[pot Dome  was a petroleum reserve owned by the Federal Government and reserved for use by the US Navy. Somehow private parties acquired leases to drill for the oil through bribes paid to the Secretary of the Interior.

    Far greater than that disgrace is the present and pending bailout of the two mortgage-makers, Fannie and Freddie. These are private business who have been given by Congress access to the Federal Government's line of credit. Known as GSEs (Government supported enterprises) they have combined liabilities of about 5 trillion dollars.

    The Congress has made the American taxpayers the ultimate holder of those debts. Together these two companies are the second largest contributors to the political campaign funds of US Congressmen--most especially to the funds of those who are supposed to be our, the taxpayers, protectors against raids on the federal treasury.

  3. As long as there are corrupt politicans elected to office, yes, incidents like Teapot Dome can continue to happen.

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