
What do you know about these parties in latin america?

by  |  earlier

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group of young people go to a club with pool, restaurant bungaloos, apartaments. They spend one night there, swimming, talking, walking.

Did you hear about something like this? What really happens there? Thx




  1. Yes i did but what ever happen there it stays there !

  2. in peru clubs dont have pools or that kind of stuff your mentioning, usually party starts at 1 or 2 and in summer could finish at 9am...mostly in clubs at the beach

  3. I live in Uruguay.  Here people go dancing at 1 am or even later.  They usually stay all night long, sometimes they have breakfast too.  If it's a seaside, they can go to the beach after that.


  4. It's just a normal thing

  5. people in peru usually stay in a party until 3, 4 or 5 of the morning , the discos are open until this hour .

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