
What do you know about this drug that Graham Hancock takes to see aliens?

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echo..I can't search for it if I can't spell it.




  1. Shamans have taken hallucinogenic drugs for thousands of years in order to see the "spirit world"

    If the only way he can see aliens is by tripping......then they don't actually exist, they are created by his own imagination

  2. Now that's funny!

    Taking a drug to see aliens..........

    I guess it's really no different than having to put on your beer goggles to take someone back to your place.

  3. The stuff he talks about is "ayahuasca",  which contains DMT.

    You can read about those in in Wikipedia.

    Since this will still fry brain cells, seeing aliens is more the manifestation of neurons going *pop* than real entities from outer space.

  4. Many hallucinogenic drugs could result in visions of aliens.  However, they're mostly illegal.  Good luck.

  5. Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a potent pseudoserotonin with psychedelic properties similar to LSD. This means that it produces a generally positive feeling while you're under its influence, along with a mild hallucinogenic (hallucinations are achieved by entering a dream state while awake). This can also manifest as time dilation, as well as other altered perceptions. Many feel that this allows them to be telepathic, precognitive, and some even report that this can lead to out-of-body experiences in the form of astral projection.

    DMT is metabolized by saliva, and so a stabilizer is required. Ayahuasca (spirit vine) has a natural stabilizer in it, combined with high levels of DMT, and so produces this effect. Generally, ayahuasca is made into a tea. It can cause stomach cramping, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a milk burning sensation in the esophagus.

  6. It is suppose to take you into some kind of psychedelic realm or potentially open your mind to new dimensions.  It is from South America and it is illegal here.

    Ayahuasca :

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