
What do you learn at a basic motorcycle riding course?

by  |  earlier

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I'm already signed up, and I've read all the literature that was given to me for a three day course I'm taking in the state of Virginia, but there's not a lot about what we'll actually DO, especially during the riding portion of the class.

If you've taken a similar course, what did you learn there?




  1. The best thing you will learn is that when you're going too hot through a corner, don't panic.  Rather than braking to slow down (which usually results in something bad happening), lean the bike over more to make the turn.   It's something that is hard to do, because your intial instinct is to brake.   Tell yourself... lean... lean!  Not brake, brake!

  2. I started by sitting on the bike reading the manual on how to start it. Then I found that riding around is first about learning clutch and throttle control. Then it is about balance and steering and then controlling stopping and last maneuvering around using all these. I passed my drivers license first time using a book and practicing.

  3. Took mine in Louisiana and it was great. At first they just sat everybody down and had a safety talk. What you should wear etc... Then you went to the bike and they went over the basic mechanical aspects of the bike, how to start the engine, the clutch, throttle etc... Then they showed you the proper way to get on etc... You went to the bike and walked it around a bit. Started it up. They have everyone go forward in the parking lot a couple times - real slow at first, walking with your feet. then you work up to riding with your feet up. They work everyone up until you ride in a big circle, then through a couple of cones. They go over proper breaking in different conditions. They let you go forward in a straight line and lock the rear tire (not at hard as it sounds). You eventually go through turning in not too tight circles. Mixed in with all this is some lectures. It all blends in together and is not as difficult as it sounds. The last day you go through the drivers exam, which is everything you've done many times. No one had any problems taking it and once you pass, you only have to take the written exam to get your license

    I ended up learning a lot and it makes you a much better rider.

    Have fun

  4. Well, I went through it in Ohio, but it should be pretty similar. There was some in class stuff where you go over the basic rules of the road and safety on day 1, day 2 was all riding including starting, stopping, turning, shifting, obstacles, pretty much everthing you could encounter while actually riding, day 3 was more of the same, all riding and then we actually took our test for our motorcycle liscense at the end of day 3. Some of that included getting up to a certain speed and stopping in a certain distance, and riding through a figure eight within a painted area on the blacktop. I think it was a great program, you can go from never riding before to knowing how to ride and have a liscense at the end of the 3 day course. It's a great refresher for even experianced drivers.

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