
What do you like about R&S?

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i love knowing how often people think about God




  1. I met  the love of my life here-he came from thousands of miles just for about that for internet dating ????????????????..and lots of good friends

  2. usually, this is where i come when i'm bored or want to vent my frustration onto the christians.

  3. I think that would be god's favorite thing too.  Like, looking down and "woohoo!  They're thinking about ME again!  How hardcore do I rock?"  And then god would put up the little devil horns and dance a little.

  4. I like how people here are different.

  5. Knowing that no matter how hilarious what I just read was, something even more funny will pop up on the next refresh.

  6. Well, there's an "R" and an ampersand, and an "S".

    Not exactly my favorite letters of the alphabet, but there you have it.

    They look good together.

  7. i come for the vitamins, i was suffering from several deficiencies but now im back to normal

  8. There are some pretty funny people here, and many people trying to be completely serious that turn out funny.

  9. I like some of the 'humor', and love to laugh!

  10. The challenge to break through the almost impossible mental barriers.

  11. I love to argue with atheists. I keep hoping some will see the truth and come to JESUS.

  12. The interesting questions and the deep thoughtful answers. I love the Fundies, they are so delightful, it's their surprising wit which gives me a chuckle from time to time.

    I also like it when someone offers to prove the existence of their god, by quoting from their own religious text, as if that were really proof.

    I love the entertainment.

  13. I think it is a wonderful window for people to be able to see what modern Christians are really like!!

    Just try reading a small sample of Christian postings on here!!!

    Intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted!! Eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more. Christians are the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting g**s, pro choice and so much more - but far worse whilst they demand freedom of religion they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them!!!

    No loving god!!!

    They just have to ask questions and give answers that prove just how right Gandhi was when he said, “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ”!!!!!!!

  14. I love answering questions

  15. It's only your own thinking about God that matters.

    Leave others to do their own.

  16. stating my opinion...the questions are good for s**+ts and giggles, the atheists, free thinking

  17. I do not think about god at all! I do not visit R&S very often

  18. Knowing how many other people have the common sense not to believe in said god.

  19. Personally, I just came here for the first time a few minutes ago.  And so far, what I like the most is that it reminds me why I hate most organized religion and most certainly all fundamentalists.  It reaffirms my belief that I was right to put miles and years between me and my Southern Baptist brainwashing.  And it makes me happy that there's a place where illogical folks can all get together and share their delusions.  It keeps them away from the rest of us.

  20. The people and the questions ~

  21. The picnics are the best ever.  I like it when they serve ice cream!


  22. I like making Christians crazier than they already are by asking questions they can't answer .

    And the BABBI-Q's are devilishly good .

  23. I appreciate the diversity of R&S. I like hearing the opinions of all different types of people, not just ones who happen to believe the same things I do. There are people here from an incredibly wide variety of backgrounds and viewpoints, and that's what keeps me coming back.

  24. The chance to help others understand various perceptions of GOD or lack opf one! To explain your faith!

    What I hate about it is the violation notices, the hatred and disrespect given to others that has opinions that differ from theirs!

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