
What do you like about Volleyball? And what is hard for you in this sport??

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What do you like about Volleyball? And what is hard for you in this sport??




  1. honestly what isnt hard for me in this sport if you know what i mean. good luck buddy!

  2. i like that you work together as a team to get the ball across the net ;]

    its hard when the ball hits the net and thenn you need to try picking it  up without double touching itt

  3. I love the game. It is fast paced, and exciting. Playing a part in every play is great, whether it is serving, passing, or setting. The hard part for me is getting my sets where I want them to go, and getting my serves to drop instead of lob.

  4. I like women's beach volleyball.

    I'll let you all guess what is hard for me about the sport! LOL

  5. VoLLeyBaLL for me its the best sport I had play..

    I did every sport in my school years....

    I like spiking and the killer spike that professional players do it, ah also jump serve and digging the ball to the floor, which I dont do it yet...

    I have some difficulties by defense fast balls and to dig the ball because I dont know when you dig it.......Loooooool!!!!

  6. It is a good fun sport to play for the rest of your life.  The team aspect is good, because I never enjoyed team sports all that much before...  What is hard, is convincing other teams/players that playing with a soft volleyball is way more fun, and safer - no finger injuries!  You can do more saves too.

    Also you can develop your own unique moves too, in difficult situations - much like Table Tennis really..

  7. I like everything about it. The rallies, setting, watching one of my sets get completely pounded by my hitters is almost as exciting for me as hitting it myself. I like serving to people that think they are the next Karch Kiraly and they shank my serve.

    The only thing I don't like about it is that there is a lot of "I'm good and you suck" attitude with a lot of players, especially men. It really sucks that some people don't realize that everyone starts somewhere.

    What is hard? Explaining to basketball players that assume volleyball is an easy game, why it's harder to play than volleyball. However, I've converted about 50 basketball players to volleyball since I've started playing and coaching the game. So, I'm getting better at it. :)

    Another thing that is hard is getting Americans to realize that Volleyball is the the second most popular sport to play in the world. Most high school sport players will not be playing that sport regularly after they're 18, but Volleyball is a sport that can be played forever.

  8. i like volleyball very much.

    what is hard? everything i'm 3"6'


  9. I like everything about playing Vollyball. I don't find it  difficult -is a relativly easy game to play I think.

  10. I find nothing is hard in volley-ball if you work hard it is a really easy game.

  11. the fun part is spilkingthe ball....the hardest part ladders and playing againwst your friend form another school

  12. I usually get bruises on my arms and i'm always scared to break my fingers. but it's great fun.

  13. the whole game is fun and challenging.

    best part: when you get a happy birthday. =]

    worst part: tonss of cherries! [but you learn to live with it]

  14. I love when you get an amazing game winning kill or a great dig that no one expected you to get. whats hard for me is blocking im an outside so i block when the middle hits and i usually dont get there in time! :(

  15. I love to hit and jump serve because these involve lots of strength, speed, and a higher vertical which I do have. At the same time it is very hard to be 5'2 and be a consistant outside hitter.

  16. I like almost everything about volleyball. Getting red arms, spiking, setting and everything. It's the best sport in the world. It's fast-paced and very competitive. What I love most in volleyball is the teamwork. Our team always helps each other and we laugh together and everything. I like the rallies too(especially when I play with our team captain). I like diving and spike. I like to bend and stuff. I used to be a ballet dancer for 6 years( so my body is flexible). I don't have to run around a lot because I can reach it with my body(dive).

    The hard part is the pressure in every game. I always think that we're gonna do bad in this game. and I get really nervous everytime we play.

  17. I LOVE everything about volleyball but my favorite part is probably hitting. Nothing is really per say "hard" but I don't like setting sometimes bores me.

  18. Its a good game, teamwork, concentration, coordinates...

    But the best part is when your hands turn in red.

  19. volleyball is a great game because it is fast and exciting but is very difficult to play well and correctly.

  20. I love the thrill I get when i'm on the court. Playing against oppenents who are better then you always gives me the rush to do my very best. Volleyball is a fast sport and you always have to be alert Not to mention good exercise. The hardest thing for me would be bumping. I have always has passing problems. I can Volley fine but lately I have accidently pulled one of my fingers back causing it to hurt when I use them. I always want to improve in anyway I can.

  21. No, I don't like volley ball because when you play it , your arm hurts and becomes red. But I really like to watch it.

  22. To tell you the truth, volleyball isn't very hard. Once you get the nitch, you can pretty much play very well. The hardest part probably is when you are just starting out. It tends to get frusturating when you mess up. It's also hard to make sure you perfect the skills (bump,set,spike) once you get those, the game is yours!

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