
What do you like about italy???

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What do you like about italy???




  1. nights of rome

    rome in daytime

    everything in venice

    the people

    and of course, the words ''ciao bella''. x)

  2. Wow!  The wine, the food, the women, the cars, the streets, the .....  heck, everything.


  4. Food






    Mediterranean sea



  5. The history behind that great country, what have contributed 2 the rest of the world (democracy, art religion, philosophy, medicine, etc). The people, food, language, fashion, fragrances n the very beautiful n fast cars (Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati) not 2 mention the breath taking landscape it has 2 offer.

  6. The beautiful buildings, the language,  (well, i can speak it so, it was cool to hear peoples conversations, haha) the food is also great!! make sure to go to the colloseo in rome and also the chains and burrial place of Queen Margirita and Raffel! It was the greatest trip I've been on.

  7. the FOOD!

  8. It's an astoundingly beautiful country - both in and out of towns and no matter what part of the country you are in, there is always a historic site to see.

  9. The men are hot!

  10. In most parts of  the people were really nice and upbeat.  The food is great.  Everywhere you go is like a postcard.  Each region is different.  Great sense of history.

  11. The beautiful Italian women!

  12. food, history, monuments.

    in italy we spoke that "L' ITALIA è IL BEL PAESE"

    in english "ITALY IS THE GOOD AREA"

  13. It's shaped like a boot kicking a Football.

  14. hi! i'm italian... I love Italy and I like Venice!!!

  15. EVERYTHING of course!

    the food, people, culture, and there men are so s**y!

  16. The people, the language, the many dialects, the small towns, the food & drink, the out door food markets, the Alps, the Mediterranean, Rome, Venice, Siracusa.....

  17. EVERYTHING the food, people, culture, and the beautiful girls

  18. I love:

       the "ancient-ness" (not much of that in Australia)

       the variety of landscapes

       the archeology and excavations (Pompeii especially)


       the "different-ness" of Venice

       the cobbled streets

       the architecture, especially in Rome

       the ceilings of cathedrals

       etc etc etc

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