
What do you like about nascar driver Greg Biffle?

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and if you don't like him tell me why to




  1. LOOSE LUGNUTS!!! No I'm sorry couldn't resist I think he's a talented driver who gets alot bad breaks

  2. I like the way he wont get in the way of Jimmie Johnson winning a third championship in a row (Hopefully).

    No disrespect to the Biff fans.  

  3. I like him because he's an animal lover and donates his money to animal charities and shelters, etc. Plus he has a pretty catchy nick name.  

  4. He is not really a driver that I like, I don't know why really, but I don't.  Maybe its because I like Kevin Harvick and Kevin and the Biff don't always see eye to eye.

    I do think however that he is a very talented driver.

  5. I like Biffle, he is definitely in my top 5. I've met him quite a few times, and he is really nice. He stop and let me get my pic with him once. I like the Greg Biffle foundation, a lot! He is a great driver. I like his whole team. Go Biff!

  6. The "Biff" is kool.  He seems to be an all right guy with a good sense of humor and a kind heart.


  7. i can tell you what i don't like - i don't like that i got all hyped up to get a picture and autograph right near the end of the racefest thursday night when i saw him at his "signing station" as we were on our way back out, and by the time i had dug his die-cast out of my bag his handlers had whisked him away. that b*****d!!!


    seriously, i like his nickname, his "loose" driving style, and his haircut. ok, maybe i'm not so hot on his haircut, but i still like the other things...


    EDIT: lynn, you're probably right. though i'll give him the benefit of the doubt - it was probably his handlers who saw me in my brand spankin' new rowdy shirt and whisked him away while i was digging in my bag o' stuff - who knows what kind of weapon (or weak insult) a crazed rowdy fan may have on hand...


    but i was just trying to find biffle's 1:64 die-cast amongst the dozen or so i had bought. he made me cry...


  8. I like the Bif!!   he's struggling but still a good driver!

    But the NERVE of him not to give our man Rowdy's world an autograph...didn't he see RW digging through his backpack for that diecast??? Couldn't he have waited ONE more second?

  9. i like the biff. he is a stand up guy, a very talented driver and hes one of the last driver that went thought all the steps to get to the cup series. hes a truck champ, and a nationwide champ. and no drivers do that any more. and i respect him for that. well and he driver for the best team in nascar, roush fenway  

  10. Greg's a good guy and a good driver - he's just having a big run of bad luck on the track.

    One of the best things about the Biff is that he's an animal lover.  He donates and raises a lot of money for no-kill animal shelters.  That's a good man in my book.

    Oh, yeah, and I like the fact that he wouldn't give #18s #1 Fan (Rowdy's World) his autograph.  The Biff knows a Rowdy fan when he sees one.  lol J/K!

  11. His nickname: Da Biff.

  12. i absolutely hate Greg Bifle b/c:

    1. You cant like all the drivers. lol

    2. He drives like **** and he's always pissing off the other drivers

  13. My girlfriend talked to his mom on the phone once, last year. I guess she's a very nice lady who's very proud of her son. Greg Biffle is dedicated to his home town. That's very respectable. At least he remembers "where he comes from".

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