
What do you like about the McCain/Palin ticket?

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For me, I am looking for the proven qualities in McCain and the fresh positive can-do attitude of Palin. I am very excited about this dynamic combo and I am ready to do all I can to help in terms of time and money. What about you?




  1. There is nothing I like about McCain/Palin. He is still the same warmonger that he was a week ago, and she is a vain and selfish woman. Neither of them deserve your time or money, but it is yours to waste.

  2. I feel the same way!  In my opinion McCain has chosen the best candidate possible!  A lot of people will disagree with me on this.  She is the “key” to defeating Obama in the November election.  She helps McCain in numerous ways that would have been impossible had he elected another VP.  Had Obama chosen Hilary to be his VP, I feel McCain would have chosen another VP.  This was a precise strategic move on McCain’s part!  Palin will help with the women’s vote and the Christian’s vote!  You’re right, she brings a “positive can-do attitude” and this is why people are mesmerized by her!  She brings a “she’s like us” attitude to the table.   Obama made a terrible decision in electing Biden!  So what if he has foreign policy experience.  Is the average person going to go to  the polls  and say to themselves “I’m voting Obama because that Biden knows a lot about Foreign Policy and has a lot of experience.”  I’m sorry, but most people don’t vote this way!  Like it or not, but most Americans will vote based on a more personal level…on how much they like the candidate…Palin comes across as an average American mother that people can relate to!  Biden just reminds people of the same ole’ Washington politician that people are tired of!   McCain is a war hero that suffered brutal torture in Vietnam.  What has Obama done?  People will relate to the McCain/Palin duo much more so than the Obama/Biden duo.  If Obama wanted to do well, he would have chosen Tim Kaine of Virginia or Hillary Clinton.  This would have made things more difficult.  So, I’m happy as a republican he chose Biden.  

  3. Absolutely nothing.

  4. i love it it is such a twist to the republican  party....finally, a woman!  just what we need!a woman!(besides hillary)

  5. NOTHING...their track records stink:

    And Palin is NOT a woman I know is that sick!

  6. What I like about it is how it made Obama's chance of winning a sure thing.

  7. Palin is a looker, I will give her that.

    Other than that, there is nothing I like about that ticket.

  8. Tell me what he will do different from bush to fix the economy and our energy problems.  d**k Cheny had a lot of experience too.

  9. I am seriously concerned when Palin says she thinks God is punishing Israel with terrorist bombings because they are not Christian. (she said that)  Tell me, does Palin think God sent the terrorists to bomb our towers because we are not all members of her  church? What kind of think is that for a potential VP to say?

  10. I like that they have very little chance of winning.

  11. I think the ticket is a joke. Palin is an obvious distraction for the gullible voter (which is amusingly working with in the Republican Party) and pawn to use in an attempt to break the movement Obama has. We will see how much people take this seriously when the debates begin.

  12. It is funny you should say that.

    After last night I decided to not just vote, but start campaigning for the dynamic ticket McCain Palin 08

  13. You know, honestly, At first I was disappointed when I first heard that McCain picked Palin because I wanted him to pick Romney. BUT after hearing her speech on Wednesday night, I am now really happy that McCain chose her. I love her!  

  14. Nothing

  15. Both of them!

  16. It paved the way for Obama's presidency.

  17. That they'll lose.

  18. They are a pleasant alternative to the community organizer and the Washington insider.

  19. oh my god.........your crazy............

    seriously........get help

  20. (crickets chirping)

  21. Made a shoe in for Obama to win.  Love that.

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