
What do you like and dislike about presidential candidate Barack Obama?

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Please I don't want any of your opinion on Mccain just Obama. And, please at the very least try to say something postive and negative about Barack that is true.




  1. Positive:  He has a seemingly positive and upbeat attitude

    Negative:  He doesnt tend to answer very many questions specifically and most of it is mushy feel good stuff.

  2. I am not voting for him for the following reasons:

    His voting record on issues related to taxes

    He voted against repeal of partial birth abortion twice

    voted against notifying parents of minor children crossing state lines to have abortions.

    He wants to loosen the embargoes we have against Cuba, embargoes that JFK, to whom is is constantly compared, enforced.

    His views on health care aren't right for this country at this time.

    God, I could go on, but I think this is enough for now.

    I do agree with him on issues relating to civil rights, immigration, and child safety.

  3. He has Charisma...

    He needs to take Economics 101.  (And don't think I'm some Bush supporter, I'm not and Bush isn't any better at economics)  Really he's a fantastic speaker, and he's clearly intelligent, but when it comes to economics I really don't think he has any idea what he's talking about.  

    McCain seems to "sort of" understand economics.  At least his proposed economic policies don't fly totally in the face of basic free market economics, supply and demand, etc...

    Ask any economist, most will agree....

  4. Likes- Very charismatic, good father

    Dislikes- Too indecisive, typical politician, lacks experiences, will throws his closet his friends even

    his own grandma under the bus, way too liberal.

  5. Obama is a family man. You can tell he loves his wife and how dedicated he is to his family. Obama opposed the Iraq war in the first place, something I have disagreed with from the start as well. He wants to bring our troop home responsibly. Obama has fought to get Illinois veterans the pay they were promised, something many soldiers who have fought for this county have gone without.  He wants to raise the minimum wage, which can help so many people its not even funny. His foreign relations are already amazing, the world loves him, which is exactly what we need right now. He believes in renewable energy, he understands that oil is running low, so why would we just use more up and spend less time finding solutions?

    I have many more reasons why he is good, and no bad ones


    He is not anti-american. People say this all the time but he is not, he is the meaning of diversity, and isn't that what America is, the land of diversity? With so many diverse people how can you say he is anti-american? What is truly an American we all come from somewhere else!

  6. His thinking is generally illogical & in many cases downright inhumane. But ah...he...uh...(serches for positives)....has nice teeth. MCCAIN 08!

  7. Well, I can't tell you anything I like about him, since he is such a horrible choice for president and yes (I am a democrat).  First off He can't even make up his mind on what religion he is, and secondly he now says I never listened to what Rev Jer Wright said.  As I recall didnt Rev Jer Wright say "God d**n America" and "The government gives us the drugs, and then forces the 3 strike law on us" and also "commitment to the black community" and "Pledging allegiance to all black leadership".  What ever happened to one nation under god?  If Mccain had told us he went to a church that said these same things and you had taken out the word black and inserted white, wouldnt things be different??? Check out my you tube link where Obama refuses to salute the hello....need I say more??  He is very Anti-American and  pro Barack Obama.

    Also as a side not his wife received a 195,00 pay INCREASE for a not-for-profit hospital....sounds kind of crooked doesnt it? Not only that but she made this money working PART-TIME!  Also she just found a her adult lifetime to be a proud American...what a loud of c**p!  They are both the most anti-American couple I have ever seen enter the political seen in my lifetime.

    He also has connections with for FBI 10 most wanted, and so on and so forth.  If he gets elected we might as well kiss our democratic society goodbye!

    Oh and I am supposed to say one good thing hmmm...thinking...hmmm...he is a good speaker ( which is how he is getting so many plan for change, just alot of talk).

  8. His children are cute.


  9. Dislike him because he is anti-American.  

    He is going to give our sovereignty over to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama.


  10. I dislike his policies and the fact that he surrounds himself with these radical figures like Rev Wright, Ayers, Tony Rezko....

    I didn't took his comments that stereotyped white males as racist very kindly.

    I didn't like the fact that he said that we cling to guns and religion because we are bitter.

    I didn't like the fact that he played the race at a San Francisco fundraiser.

    Don't get me started on his "I am proud for the first time of my country wife"

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