
What do you like better, dog or cat. And why?

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I personally go with cats. :-)




  1. Personally I prefer dogs, because they are loyal.

    Most cats are very independent of people; although some cats are very needy and clingy. Cats do not really need to be taught how  use a litter box, they pretty much pick it up on their own. Just  clean the box every couple days.

    Dogs require a lot more attention and have to be walked. You have to teach them where to p**p and you have clean up p**p. Dogs are much more dependent on human care and interaction, they are a pack animals and you have to let them know you are the leader.

  2. I like cats because they will play when you want them to. and dogs basally want to play all the time and never give you a break! But I love both  

  3. Cats because they dont smell like dogs do and they know how to use the bathroom.  =)

  4. idk. its tough. cats are cute and cuddly, but they give you your space, and don't require as much attention as dogs do. but dogs are so fun and loving. i have a cat, but have some dogs in my family. i like them all!

  5. Cats, because their playful and calm, and dogs are really active all the time and sometimes we don't want to play. So cats!

  6. I have grown up around dogs and I like them better because they seem to be more playful and more loyal companions. I never had a cat so I don't know much about them, but I do think that they are pretty cute.

  7. Definitely dogs because dogs can spot buglers for you by barking. And also, it is known to be man's best friend. However, a cat might be scary in the night as it has glowing eyes, also, a black cat resembles a witch.  

  8. dogs. they are so much cooler

  9. I like both but I prefer cats. Why, because just the experiences I have had with my cat makes me prefer cats. I have never had a dog. Cats are very interesting to me. My cat is the best companion ever.

  10. I'd say.......well I go with 100% dogs AND 100% cats. I've had both and they're both fun. I don't have a dog but a cat and I love him with all my heart. It is true, dogs are more high maintenance and I work 12 hrs. When I get home I really don't want to walk my pet but work out, make dinner and go to bed; so having cats is more convenient for me as of today.

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