
What do you like better, wide screen or full screen DVDs?

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What do you like better, wide screen or full screen DVDs?




  1. widescreen because i have a widescreen LCD tv and so widescreen format is made for these tvs, for my son's tv which is an old school tube tv, he has full screen which is the 4:3 ratio, so the picture covers his whole tv, but when he watches my movies which are 16:9 ratio, he get the black bars at the top and bottom of his tv, although this can be fixed thru the dvd player  by zooming in, sometimes tho the picture quality is compromised tho

  2. Wide screen!

    full screen is what they call pan and scan.

    your seeing the middle of the picture that has been edited.

    "This movie had been formatted to fit your screen"

    widescreen is the exact way the film was shot and is shown

    in the theater.(WIDESCREEN / LETTERBOX)

    the most vivid example of this is in the movie Ben Hur when they show the chariot races

    in full screen you see two or three horses racing side by side.

    in widescreen you see it's actually four or more horses in a row.

    There is one scene on there in particular where you see 9 people on the widescreen version of the scene but only 5 people on the fullscreen version.

    full screen is not what the director or anyone wanted you to see, it's the butchered version of what some editor wants you to see because some ppl don't like the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen

    what would you rather see?

    the movie the way it was shot.

    or the movie the way some computer and editor wants you to see it.


  3. widescreen! I don't get why anyone would want fullscreen.

    movies are filmed for theaters which have wide screens, so when you get the video at home and are watching it fullscreen what they are doing is chopping off 25% of the picture on the sides to make it fit, you do not see the full picture. You can do a test if you set up 2 TV's next to each other and watch the same movie, one in widescreen and one in fullscreen and you will see how much of the picture you are loosing with the fullscreen version.

    The new HDTV's are all widescreen so that you can watch movies as they are intended to be watch filmed in widescreen.

    or check out this site and there is an example of the two versions you can see you are loosing picture with fullscreen

  4. Full screen, you can see everything!

  5. Widescreen because first of all it preserves the original theatrical format of the image and full screen cuts off the left and right portion of the picture and uses the square that's left over to fill the entire screen of older square shapped tv's. Personally I think that DVD's should never have been released in full screen, I strongly oppose the removal and butchering of a film maker's work just to please people who are too ignorant to know that they are missing half the picture when watching a full screen movie. Gladly Blu-Ray movies are all widescreen.

  6. I prefer full screen on a wide screen television because it can take advantage of showing most of the movie screen at the largest size possible (i.e. minimal wasted space).  I say this because the 1.85:1 aspect ratio wide screen used by the film industry is (deliberately) formatted not to fit the entire screen even with a wide screen (i.e. 16:9) set so that only the movie theaters can take full advantage of this format in order to keep ticket sales up.  If it weren't for politics, all video screens would be the same aspect ratio.  Oh well, such is life.  ;-)

  7. Full screen by all means and why they make wide screen eludes me and I am an electronics repair tech.(33yrs.) The

    only thing I can think of as to why they make wide screen is for those newer televisions.(notice all the new tv's are very retangular now.) Shows you the "control" the "Industry" has on us.

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