
What do you like better? Call of Duty 4 or Halo 3?

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What do you like better? Call of Duty 4 or Halo 3?




  1. Listen a while back i had the same question as you, it matters what you like,campaign,or online.

    HALO3:wins in campaign!

    COD4:wins in online!

    cod is not much of a game without online so if you dont have it dont get it! halo has fun campaign you can do with freinds or people over the internet (if you have live)

  2. Call of Duty rapes Halo 3 all day, every day. The main difference in both is the pace of the gameplay. COD is faster and has a visceral feel to it. Halo is more of a floaty, slower paced game that is a little on the boring side. Both have terrific online, but I would have to say COD has a better single player. Stories aside, because both really don't have one. Clearing a room of baddies in COD feels better than doing it in Halo. You know, it doesn't have that rrepetitivefeeling of shooting one bad guy a thousand times before his shield disappears, after which it takes another thousand shots to kill him for real. But this is just another gamer's opinion. It really doesn't matter.

    Game On fellow gamers!

  3. call of duty is much better on online because there is more intensity when you play and you don't get bored ,you always have to looking around to see where enemy is at, halo3 is good on story mode even it is not to long.

  4. Man,Call Of Duty 4 literally OWNS Halo 3!

  5. COD4 is way better

  6. i like cod4 the best for singleplayer and halo3 the best for multiplayer

  7. cod4

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