
What do you like better apple computers or Microsoft Computers?

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I like apple better. it is faster better for pics and music




  1. There are not any microsoft computers as far as I know.

    What you mean is PC with windows installed.

    I've only used pc with windows and some linux.

  2. Actually computers built by apple are usually slower than those built by dell and other manufacturers for the same price. Microsoft does not build computers. They make operating systems. Apple makes computers, and operating systems. As far as being faster, I don't know if I agree with that completely. It should run faster than Vista, but XP runs pretty fast. Its not necessarily better for music and pics. Windows has some great programs for music and pics.

    As far as which I like better, I would have to say XP, then Mac, then Vista. But I like Xubuntu overall. Linux is faster than WIndows or Mac. Linux is also very secure, and very stable.

  3. Well, that's really like asking if people like Coke or Pepsi better.

    Everyone has their own opinion.

    However, the cold hard facts are this:

    "Apple Inc.'s share of the U.S. personal computer market is 8.1 percent, up from 6.2 percent during the same period one year ago, according to preliminary results released from Gartner on Wednesday."


    Apple users- 8.1%

    PC users- 91.9%

    So over 90% of Americans prefer PC's (Microsoft, etc)



  4. There are no Microsoft computers, but PC, don't forget you can install a different OS in a PC, like Linux.

    To answer your question. I like PC because I don't like to spend a lot of money on computers, unless I need it like my brother who paid $5000 for a big Mac desktop, but he makes about $3000 a month doing Weddings and some other films as a part time.

  5. I'm partial to Linux. Stability, security, speed. It also has a lot of utilities for pictures (digikam, gimp), music (amarok, audacity) and playing other multimedia files (kaffeine). I also like Macs - which is essentially Unix with a snazzy desk top. However I still don't see how any computer can be used with a 2 button mouse, let alone a one button mouse like a Mac.

    I also like package management systems on Linux. I use Yast with OpenSuSE and finding and installing free software with it is a breeze.

    Windows on the other hand, will turn the latest, bleeding edge computer into a piece of c**p. I have Vista on my laptop at work and I am seriously considering wiping it out and putting OpenSUSE 10.3 on it.

  6. I repsect your choice but i must that  i am a pc lover. they may a few bugs but it win s in the end

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