
What do you like better dirtbike racing or skateboarding?

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i like both bMX racing and skateboarding there both awesome and fun




  1. I like to watch both, they both have hot guys.  I think that I want to learn to dirtbike though.  I'm not a very good skateboarder.  Have you tried wakeboarding?  It's sooooo much fun.

  2. MOTOCROSS!! : ),, skateboarding is g*y : ),, and has been around along time,, and motocross will never get old.... :D

  3. Hey. I definetely like skateboarding better. It's something I love to do. I love feeling the rush of going down a ramp. It's also very interesting to learn new tricks. Dirtbike racing is okay, too, but skateboarding rules my world!

  4. pedals pusher are better then skaters

  5. i do both and love both! but i have to say skateboardin cause it moves much better with me, when i skateboard it becomes apart of you, ya know? dirtbikin is really fun though and i like it just as much, but skateboarding would have to be the best if you know were im coming from.......but thats just me!

  6. Motocross!

  7. BMX racing ?

    Honey, this ( as im sure you can tell ) is for MOTORCYCLE RACING.

    Not little boys on peddle bikes.

    Thanks anyway.

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