
What do you like better: oranges or apples?

by Guest64002  |  earlier

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  1. I like apples better because they aren't as sour as oranges are!

  2. Apples, xx

  3. Apples darling.

  4. oranges much betta taste

  5. apples!!!

  6. Oranges... i like orange juice! And it's very healthy (Vit. C)... And what does "an Apple a day keeps the doctors away?" doesnt make any sense

  7. apples :)

  8. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

  9. i like apples but oranges also for their Vitamin c

  10. Hard to decide!

    I like apples a little more because they taste good and rock with peanut butter!!!!

  11. I like to eat APPLE but like to drink ORANGE juice!

  12. oranges

  13. i looove oranges but they get so messy....apples for me

  14. apples.

    sweet and juicy

  15. I am a bit naughty and don`t really like fruit.   Grapes and grapefruit are good.  

  16. i love pink lady apples

    there so crisp and sweet

    x x x

  17. Orange even though it burns my mouth!

  18. Don't they say "don't compare apples with oranges" ? There is a reason why.

  19. I like apples better :)

  20. Oranges.

  21. Love apples - pink lady to be specific.  But then I also really like orange juice!  :-)

  22. apples

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