
What do you like/hate the most about Aquarius?

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What do you like/hate the most about Aquarius?




  1. fun and entertaining but if they drink they tend to spend too much time in the punch bowl.  

  2. aquarians are soooo cute!!!! they can be a little TOO sensitive sometimes tho.... all in all theyre hawtt ive dated a few


  3. I like their hugs (receiving aquarian hugs--they are like no other) and when they put their arms around me and stuff.......

    I hate when they have to go : (

  4. My mums one and it sucks cos

    They are so smart and clever with their words they always win arguments

    They think too much about stuff

    Put their self first (but do want the best for everyone though)

  5. I like how friendly they can be. I also enjoy their random, off the wall humor. Sometimes it seems like they are not listening or paying attention, but it's surprising how much they actually do listen. They try to be fair in all things.

    Things I hate- They can be entirely independent and rebellious just for the sake of it, causing problems. They can be egotistical and self-centered. They don't like to communicate emotions which can also cause problems in relationships. They expect too much from people sometimes.

  6. like: they are so nice and friendly. mostly all my aquarius friends are like that

    hate: at times they can be very shy they look at you time to time but they wont talk, but then we eventually became friends xD

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