
What do you like in a myspace page?

by  |  earlier

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Im fixing my page and i was wondering what you like on a myspace page? (or off lol)




  1. i like simplicity.

    like hidden comments, friends, and not a bunch of flashing images.

    and songs that don't aren't really loud near the beginning.

    oh and i hate it when people write stuff like

    'i hate my life' in about me's and stuff.

  2. Copy thse codes into your myspace and preview it.

    Hope you like :)

    <style>body {background-color:#FF0052;}</style> <p>

    <style>a.text, table div font a, table div div {visibility:hidden;}</style>

    <style>.profileInfo {display:none;}</style>


    table {direction:rtl;}

    table table table {direction:ltr;}


    <style>.latestBlogEntry {display:none;}</style>

    <style>.contactTable { display: none }</style>

    <style>.userProfileDetail {display:none;}</style>

    <style>.latestBlogEntry {display:none;}</style>

    <style>.contactTable { display: none }</style>

    <style>.userProfileURL {display:none;}</style>

    <style>.friendsComments{ display: none }</style>

    <style>.Viewfriends { display: none }</style>

    <style>td.text td.text table table table, td.text td.text table br, td.text td.text table .orangetext15, td.text td.text .redlink, td.text td.text span.btext {display:none;}

    td.text td.text table {background-color:transparent;}

    td.text td.text table td, td.text td.text table {height:0;padding:0;border:0;}

    td.text td.text table table td {padding:3;}

    td.text td.text table table br {display:inline;}</style>


    .extendedNetwork {display:none;}

    .latestBlogEntry {display:none;}


    </td></tr></table><table style="display:none"><tr><td>


    .a {hides about and meet labels only}

    .blurbs td td .orangetext15 {display:none;}



    table div {display:none;}

    div table div,

    table table div {display:block;}


    <style>.a {MypsaceGens Hide Music Player embed, object {filter:alpha(opacity=0.1); opacity:0.01;} td td td td embed, td td td object,td.text embed, td.text object {filter:none; opacity:none;} .interestsAndDetails {margin-top:-90px;}






    table.interestsAndDetails, table.interestsAndDetails td {border:0px; background-color:transparent;}

    table.interestsAndDetails span.lightbluetext8,

    table.interestsAndDetails td.text {display:none;}

    table.interestsAndDetails td td {width:0px; padding:0px;}


    <style>body {background-color:black;}</style> <p>


    .bodyContent td div div span a u {font-weight:normal;}

    .bodyContent tr {background-color:transparent;}

    .bodyContent table div br {line-height:0px;}


    table table { border: 0px }

    table table table table{border:0px}table, tr, td {

    background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;}

    table table table {border-style:none;border-width:0px;back...

    .orangetext15 {

    visibility: hidden;


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