
What do you like more,starry night or dawns early light.?

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I'm a night owl myself,what are you?




  1. take a pair of binoculars out side...sit in a lawn chair.there is a bright star above you, that is vega...a little lower is cygnus the swan.look through cygnus with the binos....that is the center of your is beautiful..

  2. A starry night!!!  I've seen enough sunrises to last me a lifetime.  Give me the starry night any time.

  3. i'm a night owl also. i love it when your in the middle of nowhere so its really dark and you can see alll of the stars:)

    answer mine?;...

  4. You are really putting me on the spot here, making me compare Vincent van Gogh (or are we talking Don McLean here) and the national anthem of the United States.  Why do you toy so with me, you know how I get!

  5. The starry nights.  I always have been a night owl.

  6. ocean predator...dawns early surf conditions too...

  7. Hi Matthew B,

    I am definitely a night owl. Also usually up during dawn bescause I forfet to go to bed sometimes Star gazing is one of my favorite things to do & of course YA!. Have a good AM. :0)

    Additional Details: you know that the stars dance around the sky if you've toked a few too.

  8. Being a life long insomniac I find dawns early light is about the time I finally drift off, shortly before the alarm goes off. Night-time seems a good time for concentrated study as there are less distractions, except maybe, others snoring. For their sake, it is a good thing I don't practice the tuba during my restless hours.

  9. I quite like the dawn chorus in the Summertime when all the birds start twittering..... I'm just a big softy me LOL.

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