
What do you like more? Long Board or Short Board surfing?

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I would love to hear what you surfers prefer. Personally, I prefer long board surfing because they are easier to ride and I feel more relaxed when I surf. How 'bout you?




  1. I love longboarding because you can just cruise nice and smooth down a wave. Sure you cant maneuver as much as a shortboard, but you can really pick up speed shooting down the line. Some shortboarders really p**s me off because they have a "hardcore" attitude and can be jerks to others out in the surf (not all but some). Ive been ridin my 9'2" Harbour single fin since I was 9 and I love it!

  2. I started surfing in '66 on a 9'6", but that's what we all rode back then. Like most of the guys I surfed with during the 'short board revolution' we traded in for shorter boards every summer. I ended up with a custom made 6'4' twin fin (that's as small as I went, but I had lots of friends riding boards in the 5' range). Today I four have boards from 9'4" to 7'6" that I ride all the time. I change up depending on conditions or my mood.

    There are good things about both long and short boards. I ride both (one at a time , of course). In the mid sixties, like almost everybody else, I started on a longboard. I went shorter and shorter every summer, during the 'short board revolution.' After getting out of the service, I had a few years of sporadic surfing, before I got back to surfing as much as possibly could. (I've driven 650 miles to go surfing!). I found some days that were just too small anything but a longboard. Just riding one size board is very limiting, conditions change daily in most places.

    I am old, and fat and slow, so even my shortboard is 7'6". My 6'4" is a collectors' item now. Not every break has ripper, head high waves every day. A longboard is great for plenty of glide in that knee high stuff. One more reason to surf every chance I can.

  3. I'm a bodyboarder, but overall, I prefer shortboarding. It may sound odd coming from a bodyboarder (since we're steriotypically kooks), but I've met more kooks on longboards who have cut me off than on shortboards. Besides, shortboarding is more difficult, and when I used to surf I shortboarded (before I saw how completely awesome bodyboarding was, how fun drop-knee could be, how every wave was overhead- no matter how small, and how many sick barrels I could get) Longboarding is alright for being relaxed, but I'd rather get aggro and be able to work the wave a little more.

  4. i like short board because i am 4' 10''

  5. SHORTboarding because you can just slice through the wave and get tons of speed and do tricks. but once in a while longboardings fun cause you can just cruise on the wave.

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