
What do you like most about hockey?

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What do you like most about hockey?




  1. Hockey Town, USA - Wings fans

  2. The Beer!!!!!!

  3. My chin scars and porcelain teeth!  (yes, I do have both from playing the game).

       I love the speed, the effort required, the balance required, and especially the quick-thinking required when in a fast-moving tight hockey game.

       But, most of all, I love the comraderie it builds between myself and players on my teams!  Good teams get to go to glory together, which means a lot of sacrifice and "going to war with you, my friend" attitude between players on the same team... you simply can't put a price on that.  It's an amazing feeling of connectedness between fellow players once they have sacrificed and gone-to-war with one another!

  4. the fast, non stop, furiousness, rough play and especially the playoff INTENSITY!

  5. The Hot chicks that sit on, around and next to me during the games!!!!

  6. well, there's really too much for me to narrow it down to just one thing that I like most. I loooooove the fact that the players are for the most part, nice guys. I also just love the speed of the sport, the gracefulness, the fast-paced action. There's really not much I don't like about hockey.

  7. that its not baseball

  8. just the overall excitement of it....

    the checking

    the scoring

    the partying that comes with winning

  9. the intensity, excitement and the unexplainable feeling after scoring a goal and hearing the fans go crazy.

  10. everything from the early morning practices to the late night games and just the all around intensity

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