
What do you like or dislike about pads?

by  |  earlier

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I just wonder what is good or bad about them.

How do you pick one? Do you ever leak?




  1. Your name is Jeff..

    im supposing your a guy?!

    why are you asking female kind of questions when you dont even get your period!

  2. LIKE: that they don't tear up my v****a, the way even the tiniest tampons do.

    DISLIKE: That they smell and feel like diapers.

    No, I don't leak. I use ones with wings-- super long ones too and I wish I could wear tampons without them destroying my privates and making it impossible to haves s*x after! GRRR!!!

  3. I'm curious as to why a male posted this question..

    If you have a heavy period, you constantly are asking a friend to check your butt to make sure you aren't leaking through your pants... and then there is always an odor, which is usually so minimal you are the only one who notices, but still disgusting.

    I use pads only as a backup incase I can't change a tampon in time..

    I always use pads with wings because the others don't stay in place. My pref is StayFree Ultra Thin Maxi with Wings (its not huge and bulky like some are, and it's not scented.. the scented ones are disgusting!)

  4. hmm jeff.. what do you like or dislike about them?


  5. Whats wrong with a guy being curious? I like them at night just because I don't feel comfortable with a tampon in my bod while sleeping. But during the day esp. when it is hot outside, it gets really uncomfortable with how the pad just sits there.  

  6. Well, Jeff, what do YOU like about pads?

  7. umm well i kind of dislike that it feels like i'm wearing a diaper.

    but i like that they don't cause TSS in any way, and i can wear them for 8+ hours without getting worried that i'm going to get TSS, so i wear the to bed :P

    pads hardly ever leak for me!

  8. u posted this already, JEFF

  9. pros- easier to use- good for first time- always is a good brand-easier to change or switch

    cons- can be uncomfortable- may feel like your wearing a diaper- you might not be able to wear the kind of underwear you want to - may be slightly itchy- it can be noticeable

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