
What do you like the least about Italy? We all love so many things about it, but what don't you like?

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What do you like the least about Italy? We all love so many things about it, but what don't you like?




  1. The way people don't respect strangers.  People don't clean up their dog p**p off the sidwalks, they stand in the middle of the sidewalk so you can't get past and their favorite expression is "Non e il culpo mio!"  I can't believe how many times I heard people say that when I was in Italy.  It was like a big country full of babies who refused to take responsibility for their own actions (this probably has something to do with the men living at home until they're 35... they're in delayed adolescence!)

  2. narrow streets maybe?

  3. Well, if I had to come up with something...  I guess it'd be how a lot of shops and restaurants close down for a few hours in the afternoon.  I understand it's like a siesta for the locals, but makes it just a little inconvenient for tourists who aren't familiar with it.

    Oh yeah, and the tourists!

  4. The weather can be oppressively hot.

  5. I agree with the third answer.. the tourist

  6. The Maffia, the really existent machist attitudes in the South, the unestable democratic system, with a party system which is too dispersed and plural due to its proportional electoral system, Berlusconi, the pepperoni, the way Venecia stinks sometimes, the heat during the summer, the amount of tourists in some cities, the horrible traffic in Rome, the power that the Vaticano has over the country, yet, the huge regional disparities...

  7. The thing I like the least are all the tourists!

    The cities have become a zoo of tourists.

    Some towns have more people from other countries in them then Italians.

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