
What do you like to do but havent done yet?

by  |  earlier

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What do you like to do but havent done yet?




  1. Ride my motorcycle across Europe

  2. I really had to think about this.  There are sooooo many things I have done --but always so many more dreams than I have time for.

    I would like to finish writing that um better that painting I keep buying paint to do...nah...maybe first see the rest of the world

  3. How would I know if I like to do it if I haven't done it?

  4. ride a roller coaster. whenever i got the chance i chickened out at the last minute.

  5. Go on a week-long horseback ride.

  6. Own a home to share with my son and grandkids

  7. amsterdam

  8. i like to jump into the sea from a height of more than 150 metres, i donno swimming yaar.

  9. Go snowboarding! Looks heaps fun :)

  10. Convert one of the old buildings to a private 'cafe'. My idea is this, to have a space where I can invite groups of people, not friends, just acquaintances. A place that is set up like a cafe, with loads of comfy sofas and low tables. Then use it as an informal club, to discuss and take community action on environmental issues.

    I would invite people, ask them to bring food to share and I would provide tea, coffee,  herbal drinks for them. Then we would decide on an issue and work out solutions.

    Ultimately we would take action, say build a community garden or make birdboxes, bat boxes, hedgehog homes for a residential home or school.  

    The cafe would be like a center for 'volunteers' who wanted to change things for the better, for people and nature. Life is so busy at the moment but this Spring I want to start working on that building. Dreams are so much better when we make them real.

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