
What do you like to see in a waiter/waitress when at a restaurant?

by  |  earlier

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Dignified non sexist answers please.

Do you mind if they are quiet, polite and just get the orders down and leave?

You dont really mind the lack of conversation at all?




  1. A good server can read people well enough to know when a conversation is necessary.(Per the customers personality).

    So I think that being professional, courteous and accurate are the best attributes a good server can have.

  2. Cleanliness and class.

  3. I like people who are friendly (greet with a smile when they come to take your order) and considerate (check in with me and keep an eye out for cues that I may need something or that if the menu is put down, that I am ready to order, also ask if everything was ok at the end of a meal).  I like waiters and waitresses that treat me like they would treat a friend.  

    I will honestly say that a waiter or waitress who doesnt talk other than asking necessary things like if I am ready to order, makes me feel that they are acting rude or unpleasant towards me, with the exception of waiters or waitresses who don't speak good english at foreign food restaurants where you can tell that thats why they arent saying much.

  4. Courtious & attentiveness.

  5. I like to see the nice polite person.  One who you can say something too funny or just to talk to and they talk back... the quiet ones are okay too however if they are too quiet then there is a problem....

  6. I like it when they are friendly but don't stay at your table chatting with you and the people in your party.  I have been to restaurants where I've been trying to get my waitress attention and she's just chatting with other guests.

    I do like them to keep moving from table to table asking if everything is okay.  That way I'm not constantly trying to call them to my table.

    I usually tip my waiter/waitress depending on how many times he/she checked on me to refill my drinks or to see if I needed anything else.  The more attention we receive the more generous I become.

  7. I like to see the following: In No Certain Order.

    1. Cleanliness and a smart appearance.

    2. Attentiveness to their tables. i.e. If a wine glass is approaching emptiness, then fill it without being asked (assuming there is wine remaining to be poured).

    3. Good manners. i.e Always please and thank you.

    4. Smile. It surprising how warming a smile can be.

    5. Help full at all times.

    6. Informative. No about the food that is on offer. No about the wines etc that are on offer.

    7. Be aware of other members of staff, help if needed. The customers will notice and appreciate this.

    8. Get to know the regulars and if possible, their likes and dislikes.

    9. Respect the restaurant. Keep it clean and tidy, polish wine glasses etc whenever time allows.

    10. up sell where possible. Side dishes often go unnoticed by diners but can add to the final bill.

  8. Neatness



    Accuracy (on my order)lol


  9. For me as a customer I really want and I appreciate when tey are saying good morning ma'am/sir and they are accommodating to to the customer. It is a good factor to encourage people to eat in their restaurant.

  10. Quiet and polite is absolutely fine by me.

    If I am going out for a meal In a  restaurant I am usually not alone and that person would be the one I want to chat too not the waiter/waitress.

    Good evening/politeness and how was your meal as well as a smile is all I require.

  11. both =D

  12. I'm a germ freak

    A happy face (wearing a surgical mask, hairnet & safety glasses).

    Clean hands wearing clean white cotton gloves

  13. I feel appreciated as a customer when the waiter/waitress shows an actual interest in my being there, as opposed to just "going through the motions" when taking my order. I could have gotten my dinner from a clown with a microphone for a nose, but I chose to patronize a restaurant instead. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Also, for the love of GOD, do not chew gum on the job!!!!

  14. Well, I do prefer they are quiet and speak only when spoken.  I don't mind  bit of short talk but sometimes they go overboard.

    Some places I have gone to have those who ask too many personal questions (what's your job?  how much is your salary?), keeps on suggesting dishes non-stop (I want to read the menu not hear it, please!) or make idle senseless chatter (we have this customer... etc).

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