
What do you like with your scotch?

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What do you like with your scotch?




  1. Right now co-codamol ... well actually I am not but I would try if I could hehe.... but I guess I will be good .........

  2. Well if you take "scotch" as purely "scotch" then:-

    a) A cheap one with diet coke and ice

    b) A good one with ice

    c) A good single malt - with nothing (Mmmmm 12 year old Glenlivet)

    Jack Daniels (ok - I know it isn't "scotch") - lemondade & ice  

  3. i take dat **** 2 da head.... a real ***** like me can do dat **** lmmfao!!!!!!!

  4. A nice ale.

  5. eggs!

  6. a gorgeous and s**y date :)

  7. I Used to like it on the rocks.Nothing else just ice.

    Thankfully I no longer drink.

  8. Relaxing music.

  9. more scotch

  10. Another scotch though I prefer Irish whiskey or poteen.

  11. More scotch!

  12. lots of ice, and half a fresh squeezed lemmon. Bitters if it´s available!

  13. ice

    lots of ice

    x x x

  14. meaooow..................



  15. There's nothing better than a tot of whisky and green ginger wine ,together they make a lovely drink namely"Whisky Mac"it fare warms the cockles of the heart.  

  16. Just a glass!

  17. Nothing...

  18. Another please.☃

  19. Straight up.... back in the day. Can't afford it anymore

  20. none

  21. butter =D

  22. Ice cubes and a hot woman!

  23. More scotch lined up for when I finish this one.

  24. soda.

  25. I don't drink whiskey.

    Can't stand the smell of it.

  26. with one Bourbon and one beer

  27. a bag

  28. A drain to pour it down. Useless, hellish stuff. Not for the intelligent or those who have respect for their body, mind and spirit. Take care. Best wishes. GOURANGA GOURANGA GOURANGA

    A complete waste of hard-earned money.  

  29. straight up on the rocks.

  30. The luck of the irish.

  31. Nothin' but a dirty glass!

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