
What do you live for?

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what keeps you going.. what do you have to remind yourself to keep pushing on day after day.




  1. I live for life.

    I am serious. I can get through my problems because I know that these are part of life, and if life had no problems, there would be no point in any of us being alive in the first place! We live for problems, we live to learn how to deal with these problems, I live for life.  

  2. i live for... having a happier life

  3. Lots of things-

    1. I live for my husband, knowing how much he loves me and how happy he makes me (and in that, I live for myself and my right to love and be loved)

    2. My baby, who will be born in three months and needs me more than she needs anyone else on earth

    3. For fresh air, sunsets, mountains, sunlight, flowers, birds, books, good food, and all manner of other fascinating things in the world

    4. For all the things I've yet to learn or try or achieve- from other languages to hang-gliding to visiting Turkey

    5. For all the places I've yet to see- there are a whole lot of countries out there in the world

    For the future, basically- for all the things I still want to achieve in life. Sometimes when depression gets on top of you it's hard to remember even one of those things. That's why it helps to write them down whenever you think of one, or when you're feeling good. Then you can look back at them when you do feel depressed, and you can be sure that those are the reasons you're still here, even if you don't quite believe in them at the moment.

  4. God

    my boyfriend


    my life, future kids

    answer mine please?;...

  5. I used to depend on drugs, s*x and alcohol and my life kept tumbling down. I am 22 years sober now and within that time frame one of the most important things is my spiritual belief system and dependency on God.

    Next its the prioritizing. I can't be happy if I don't like my behaviors, so change became a focus.

    Being with positive, self actualized people who support, honor and love who I am.

    Keeping healthy both physically and mentally and spiritually work all together to make my day worth while.

    Getting enough rest, exertion, nature, fun and fulfilling a daily responsibility helps me.

    Getting bills paid and/or calls made early on that haunt me, and would otherwise ruin the day for me, puts me in a breathe easy mood.

    Making a mental check list and checking off what I can do, what I did and what I really can't do anything about is useful and helps me rely on my higher power.

    Starting the day with a prayer and ending with one is helpful.

    Doing at least one kind deed every other day, with no expectation of reward other than feel good about me, does the trick.

    Doing one thing I think might be hard to do such as: Avoid what may be temptation, do something challenging, such as sign up for a class etc. makes me feel good about myself and my ability.

    Being in my garden or going for a walk by the lake always calms me.

    Changing my focus from "poor me" to writing a gratitude list makes me feel grateful.

    Calling a friend and going for coffee. Calling a lonely person. Visiting a sick person or an elderly person. All these are things I can do and I get more from these things than the other people involved.

    Taking the meds I am suppose to take on time on routine helps me stay even, sane and not so anxious. Accepting that its okay to have times when I don't feel so okay and to pamper myself when I need to. AKA taking a nice warm love me bath. Recipe: Relax music, bath pillow, bubbles or soft soothing oils, rose petals, floating candles, floating citrus slices, incense, or whatever rocks your world. Turn off the tv, phone and lock the door and give yourself an hour.

    Put on your sick nightie or jammies. Give yourself a foot rub and pedicure and/or manicure. Well you get the idea.

  6. Laughter, traveling, music, friends, cooking, family, hugging and kissing ;)

    With everything bad comes something good and everything happens for a reason. Life isnt about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain. This may not be the party we hoped for, but since we're here, might as well dance.

    Cool question, I'de never even thought of that :)

  7. I live for my friend that died from cancer not too long ago.

    she was 14, and had leukemia.

    I believe people take for granted how fortunate it is

    just to wake up each and every morning.

    My friend didn't have the privilege to do that.

    I think your pretty fortunate not being told you have 3 more

    weeks to live.

  8. My boyfriend my dog and my cat

  9. well i live for i can be stronger for my dad who has cancer and my girl who has cancer and her aunt has cancer too.i live so that she can keep herself together so that she has some one to hold on to.thats what keeps me going.
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