
What do you look at while you are putting?

by  |  earlier

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When putting, I have a habit of watching my large club head rock back and then forth. This is obviously to check that it stays on the right line, and is reinforced by my putting mat which has special lines drawn on it to promote the right takeback. But I have a feeling I am doing the wrong thing, and that I should be focusing on the ball only. What is right?




  1. Most good putters have developed  a proper stroke  so that their focus is at the very back of the ball at the point of proposed impact .

  2. While I'm not sure, I believe the idea is to focus on the ball. But I too have the tendancy to look at the enormous head of my Rife 2 Bar.

  3. i watch the cutie in the short-shorts... maybe thats why i three and four putt alot...  "hit 'em straight"

  4. I would ignore much of that and go for instinct. Basically putting is 50% technique and 50% belief. I like to place the ball down so you can not see any writing on it. I think that this gives you less variables to think about. dont worry about where the putter head goes when your on the course. Focus on the ball and relax.

  5. on long putts over 25 feet, or so, I look at the hole.  Shorter than that, I look at the back of the ball.  Distance control is waaaay better when I look at the cup.

  6. Do whatever works for you. If you're sinking your putts or generally just putting well, change nothing. If not, try something different, but be careful... don't mess with it just for the sake of messing with it. I know enough folks who've screwed their strokes up majorly because they couldn't leave well enough alone.

  7. When you are doing your practice motion, focus on the cup because it helps you unknowingly aim at the target. When you strike the ball focus on hitting the ball square and center

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