
What do you look for in a vampire story?

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I am wondering what do want to read about when you read about vampires?.....I am writing a short story, which includes vampires. So far I have deaths, good vs. evil, war scenes, romance. What kinds of things would interest you?




  1. If the vampire is your hero (or even your villain), I want him/her to have a compelling and complex personality.

    I personally prefer male vampires to female ones.

    I am tired of moody, angsty vampires.

    I don't believe that the simple fact of being a vampire means that you lose your soul (as in 'Angel').  

    I prefer scientifically realistic vampires--ones who are vampires from birth, rather than supernatural beings who are undead and who are 'brought across.'  I lso don't like the unholy undead thing.  Vampires should be just as capable of taking Communion or touching holy water as any other creature.  I don't see them as inherently evil unless they kill indiscriminately.

    Okay, I admit it.  I LOVE the tuxedo and the cape.  *chuckles*  But I also think no one wears that kind of clothing outside of a symphony orchestra or the Victorian era.

    I like the notion of vampire hierarchy being akin to that of wolves, with an alpha male and female custom.  But I don't consider that necessary.

    I think vampires who kill human prey are stupid.  It takes 18 years for a human to grow to adulthood, but only one year for cattle.  You do the math.

    I don't like the idea of vampires taking over the Earth unless they have a way of avoiding Zelerod's Doom--the point at which all prey are used up, and the vampires must feed on each other.

    I'd like to see vampires who actually have jobs.  Most of the ones in 'Forever Knight' just seemed to hang out at the Raven nightclub all the time.  How do they support themselves?  How do they conceal what they are?

    Those are my thoughts.  I like vampires; I'm a big fan of the Chelsea Quinn Yarbro novels.

  2. Love.

    Modern teenage problems.





  3. Death to the vampire

  4. okay... so here is what you look for in a vampire story. you want to find  fear, love, passion, blood, and a little comic relief...

    vampires are super cool defiantly want to stick to the supernatural aspect of it, but no too much that it becomes too 'sci-fi'  

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