
What do you look for in a woman?

by  |  earlier

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  1. my mother coached me into thinking this way @ an early age:

    1) always look @ her toe nail and feet, if these are clean so is her v****a

    2) does she keep a clean house

    3)does she cook?

    44)does she know how to seduce you

    5) does she talk to you or talk down to you?

    6)does her family give her cudos?

    7)priopr history of failed romances

    8)most importantly, will she 1st be your friend, the intmacy will come later as you both become excited

    9)does she have the same religious beliefs

    10)would you go on a cruiser with her-no where to escape or running away

  2. She must be trustworthy above all else..

    A good personality and the ability to laugh at silly things helps too..

  3. By your picture I can see that you already know. (s*x)

  4. She must be attractive to me, not perfect but something that keeps me interested.

    Now for the most important part, her character. I need a woman who's a decent human-being ,who cares more about her inner beauty than her outer beauty. One who loves me for who I am, not what she expects of me.  One who's content with what she has rather than what she wants. Is that too much to ask?  

  5. nice b***s and a nice *** (s*x)

    whats your number?

  6. Nothing.  I'm strictly heterosexual.

  7. Nothing, I have everything that I want in my fiance.

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