
What do you look for in finding a "good school"?

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I want to find a well rounded, diverse school for my daughter going to pre-K. What do I look for? How do I look for one?




  1. Here i actually just found this myself

    I just found a great prek for my son

    Also you can go take tours and talk to some of the teachers. I called around and looked up online at some. But ended up taking tours. They explained everything to me and my husband. What they do everyday. And the teacher even comes to your house a week before school to meet the child where they dont think they are strangers.

  2. well first off you need to define what YOU think a good school is. for example do you want teacher guided activities all day long or would you prefer the children be allowed some freedom to choose their own daily activities? do you want a bilingual class room? give some thought to teacher/child ratios, remembering more teachers likely will mean a more expensive tuition.

    once you have a better idea of want you want you can start with the Internet or the phone book, if you have contact with other mom's get their advice too especially if they have older children, they may be able to point you towards a good school or help you avoid a bad one

    EDIT and of course before choosing a school make sure you "interview" the school, they should be able to set up a meeting so you can ask all your questions to be sure the school is what you expect

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