
What do you look for when choosing fruits?

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I dont know if its the luck of the draw but I would like to know if there is a way to actually tell. I know some people a keen sense or smell or sight. Is there a way you pick your fruit?? Im pretty good with picking the best banana's and cherries, Everything else is hit or miss.




  1. When picking pineapples you have to make sure the spines on it are the same size from top to bottom.

  2. Freshness

  3. I usually select fruits that are firm but have a little give, then I smell them if it smells rich and fruity then I check for soft spots or bruising, if there aren't any I place it in the bag. This works for most fruit.

  4. Tucan Sam says follow your nose! It may be different for some fruits but usually when they are ripe they will emit a stronger more delcious smell.

    Also the texture might change, say from hard to soft.

  5. Nectarines or peaches: I smell it and squeeze it.  If I get a nice fruity aroma and slight give when I squeeze it, I know that it'll be nice to eat in a day or two.  Pineapple: I was always told that if the center leaves can be easily plucked out, it's ripe.  i find that to be generally true.  

  6. smell, and season. try to get the local stuff if you can now, like peaches, some apple varieties, and berries depending on where you live. You can always talk to the produce manager in the supermarket. That is how i learned about mangoes

  7. when i go to supper market i check fruits freshness and look either they are hit or miss or smelling ,  

  8. You want fairly ripe, or nearly ripe, but not bruised.

    Bananas should be yellow when bought, eat when flecked with brown.

    Apples should be crisp, pears softening, peaches firm, etc.

  9. i am usually looking at the fruit that is in season,,, a peach if you can smell it,,, that is the one to pick,,, the same for a cantoloupe smell where the stem was attached if it smells like cantaloupe get it,,,, bananas always choose green and let them get fresher at home,,,, watermelon if it is summer they are good,,,, apples are a fall fruit and not be soft,,,, cheeries only in the season no green  ones,,,,

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