
What do you look forward to most at University?

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What do you look forward to most at University?




  1. The 'experimenting' lol

    And the freedom if I live on Campus =D

  2. the opportunity to meet a lot of people from different backgrounds

    in college is where you experience your "freedom" lol .. that's what people say but besides experiencing freedom you have the opportunity to learn from others cultures without even leaving the country..

    university is about networking and having lots of fun!!

  3. Having finished my first year the best thing was the independence, living at home all summer I'm looking forward to going back to uni and regaining that independence.

  4. Meeting lots of different people all the time.

    Learning new things in different subjects.

    For me i travel to London so exploring London too.  

  5. Learning all about my desired course

    Meeting great people

    Developing myself as a person

    Flourishing at Uni

    Having fun

  6. Learning all day, everyday, and discussing it with people who are just as obsessed with the subject (in my case maths) as me!! :D.

  7. Skiving off as often as i can manage, doing anything I can get away with and still earn good marks. It is something like a game.  

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