
What do you look forward to most in the fall???

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For me it's football and the beautiful fall colors. Can't I just have that and keep the bitter cold of winter away?




  1. The cold, and getting to wear all my new fall clothes!

  2. Extra large mug of mulled cider, my favorite hoodie, and sharing a view of Goat Island Lighthouse.

  3. Our colors don't change down here so it's just Football for me.

  4. Not the floor

    It hurts when I fall

  5. The part where I land.

  6. The cool crisp mornings......a little nip in the air. The colors. I can't wait.

  7. The cooling of the weather.

  8. the cooler temp ..when you go through 90 days of 115 and above,you LIVE for the coolness * this  is arizona* it's a huge welcome, Look forward to going to the beach and starting a fire and listening to the waves and star watch

  9. The cooler temperatures.

  10. halloween

  11. The first cold front to cross beyond Georgia and the end of the hurricane season.

  12. Wow, so many things really ...... football, all the beautiful fall colors, football, the crisp, cool air in the morning, football, being able to wear all my favorite sweatshirts and sweaters, football, caramel apples, football, and Halloween ....... = )

  13. I'm looking forward to getting Fable 2

  14. cool windy weather, the leaves fallin i guess  

  15. HOCKEY!!!!

  16. The smell of the air! I love the slightly warm days, they are good for a walk!  

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