
What do you look like?

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In your daydreams. Where you give yourself unreal abilities or change your life around. Describe what you look like in most of your daydreams. If you need more detail ask. Most detailed description wins.




  1. I look like a gold flower which always look the same for decades.

  2. I'm told I look like Stevie Nicks when she was with Fleetwood Mac and I look like myself in both day and night dreams.  However, I do have super natural abilities, like I can fly, I can disappear, I can shape shift into animals or inanimate objects, I have the ability to make sad people happy, mean people friendly and stupid people smart.

  3. What do I look like? I'm 5 feet 11 inches and really muscular and goog-looking... in my daydreams. In real life i'm 5 feet 9 inches. I have  dark redish brown/bronze hair. and green eyes. and I's so pale it's not even funny. In my daydreams I have no red in my hair and I can shape-shift. that would be reall fun to do :P

  4. In my day dreams I picture others more than myself but If i picture myself at all it is in my conception as where others

    would have to disagree. i find myself unattractive, i picture being bigger, shorter, uglier, my features are distorted where

    others are prettier or uglier. I find it hard to picture myself for the better but for what i conclude as reality. If i were to truely

    dream about a better me with unreal ablilities. I would be atleast 5'10 a fit slim women with long sensual legs, a even better butt,

    flatt stomach, perky b*****s the size to flatter what I would expect as a s**y curvaious bod, along with elongated neck, high cheek

    bones with a little flushed cheeks, luscious lips of a more red-pink color smooth and pouty, along with pericing hazel eyes, eyes that

    were so beautiful it would be unreal, long golden strawberry blonde bouny curls. a woman of power and strength, one of talent, and

    beauty. someone who knew no limitations and had the dreams she's ever wanted someone who found all the treasures

    of life both tangible and abstract. I would be a person of a goddess.  

  5. I look international but from a glance I look Asian because my parent are Asians but my grandparent were mixed Asians and one of my ancestors was European.

  6. I usually don't actually picture myself in day dreams but mostly other people. For example I'm a girl so I usually day dream about the person I'm currently crushing on or a celebrity I like. When I'm talking to them it's usually from my point of view so I can not see myself, just them.

    However on some occasions I do daydream about myself in a movie or onstage and I see myself exactly the same as I am in real life. I believe this is because in my daydreams people like me as I am and I don't have to be something I'm not. I think that's why people daydream so much, you can control it unlike the dreams you get while you sleep.  
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