
What do you love about your religion?

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what aspects in your religion do you like?

this question is not applicable for atheists.seeing that you keep insisting you have NO religion at all.




  1. Its down to earth, hard work aspects

    the traditions

    how it all just makes sense to me

    oh and the Havamal

  2. I love the fact that I receive the body and blood of our Lord at every Mass. I also love the direct connection we have with the past thru apostolic succession of our Bishops. An unbroken line all the way back to Christ and the Apostles.

  3. I love how my spirituality fills me with peace and helps me see the beauty in all things. It helps me feel responsible to the earth and the creatures (including humans) who live here and thus helps me to remember to be a conscious consumer. It helps me to endure. I also like how it gives me the opportunity to honor my ancestors.

    But most of all, I like how my religion really has no basis for discriminating against others based on things like orientation, race, gender, etc.

  4. freedom of expression in worship/we keep strictly to the Bible-Apostolic.

  5. It's future.  

  6. I do not have religion...I have a relationship with Jesus. he is my best friend and God is the reason I keep going. He made my life the very best. I am a southern baptist. but that is not a religion. religion sends more people to h**l than anything else does.

  7. Exclusionist.

    You might have asked the question in a way that atheists could have answered.

    But, that would have defeated your purpose.  

  8. I like the fact that I'm free to engage in intellectual exploration within my religion. I'm proud of our centuries-old tradition of educational excellence, as well as our charitable organizations. I find the rituals quite beautiful, and am particularly moved by the Holy Eucharist. I am a Roman Catholic.

  9. That through the course of the Church's history the doctrine has remained the same. That the miracles that the saints have worked can be seen on a daily basis. That Christ is indeed risen!


    Josemaria Rojas, OSB

    Oh and that God gave me a Vocation to be a monk

  10. Jehovah's wittiness It is the love shown by every one, people who you would not even talk to if you weren't in the same religion show love to you, you meet some one for the first time and it like you are best friends already

  11. Judaism

    Being part of the nation of G_d and having no compromises or conflicts with the basis for your religion. Free will and the fact that there is no h**l or evil, the  only negative thing is to be distant from the word of G_D. It is also ok to make misteakes because only G_d is perfect

  12. i love that it makes me feel good and connected with everything. i feel happy and knowledgable, even if i just spelled that word wrong, and that's what any religion should do.

  13. all of it .It brings me great comfort and to know my Lord  

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