
What do you love about your significant other *serious relationships*?

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Me and my boyfriend have been together for five years now, and for the past year or so I have been asking myself why do I love him? .... We are 2 very different people, with NOTHING in common except politics to a degree and a similar views on things, but doing something together always is a compromise, which we both do gladly.

However, lately the differences are really bothering me, to the point of I am feeling beyond lonely and depressed most of the time...even if he is sitting in the same room as me, he sits on the couch and watches TV, i sit reading or researching. It's almost like we live in two different worlds.

It's come to the point I have been wanting to leave off and on for the past year or so. But I can't because I do love him, I just can't explain why. I don't know why, of course if we were the same and had a lot of similarities i wouldnt be happy either. I just ... i guess i am asking this to see if it is okay to not know why you love someone. If we can still work even if we have so very little in common.

Are there any happy couples out there like this? Am i being stupid? Why do you love the person you are with?

Thanks in advance...




  1. I love my boyfriend of two (years next month) because he is the answer to my prayers.... I love my sweet heart for everything he is and means to me!  

  2. This can't be said enough... Friend First.  Marriage Second.

    You and your SO must be friend if the relationship is going to work.  By friends, you must enjoy each other company, do things together, have common interest.  Then (and only then) if love plays a role should you consider marriage.

    My wife is my best friend.  We have common interest, hobbies, views, etc.  Hence we enjoy our time together.

  3. The question you need to ask is "are you IN love with him"? I know that sounds cliche but there is a BIG difference.

    I am IN LOVE with my man because he makes me laugh, is patient, is kind to a fault, is pleasing sexually, is handsome, is driven, and has MANY layers that I keep uncovering and loving even more.

    If you're not in love with him you need to be honest and stop wasting your time...both of you. Perhaps he feels the same and it will end with a friendly hug and hand shake.

  4. my girlfriend and i are high school sweethearts...we started in 2001. i love the fact that she is willing to listen and understand before reacting. this is a strong output because whether she follows her own plan or mine she gives the time for her to see both viewpoints. when a person is willing to compromise and see both sides it helps the relationship in many ways

  5. If you had every lil thing in common how bored would you be? Most people are attracted to their partner for different reasons. I like the saying opposites attract! I have very little in common with my husband. And I love him for different reasons. I can't imagine my life without him in it. But the main one is when he isn't with me I feel incomplete and I'm always waiting for him to be with me. Kinda like the butterflies in stomach just not as stressful lol. Sounds like you might be in a rut. Try reviving your relationship, go to places you went when you first met or just spicing things up. Cuddle up for a good movie or something like that. When you get in a rut he may be too and need to be shaken out of it. Let him know what you feel and open up some communication he may be feeling the same way. But make sure you take action now before you grow apart and your rut becomes a big pothole!

  6. my husband and i are very different we are the same way he is watching tv and i read or something else but we are still in the same room together and i think that is what matters i love Him because he is everything I'm not . and it works perfectly after awhile he started to like some of the things i like and vice versa he know exactly who i am and he takes care of me and i love  that  

  7. My husband and I have not much in common.  Politics, religions.  But I love everything about him.  Too much in common can be a tad boring.  But we love spending time together.  It never gets old.  Just think of all the reason why you love him so much.  Every relationship have doubt one time or another.  

  8. One of the interesting studies I saw found that it is not how different a couple is that determines the success of their relationship, but how much you brood over the differences.  If you keep brooding and worrying about the differences, then you're going to end up pushing yourself away.  If this is the only problem in your relationship, I would try to get over it.  But don't marry him until you are sure this is something you can be okay with.  I'm providing a link to an article about the study.

  9. *giggles* I ask myself this every single time I look at my hubby. "Why do I love this man?" I ask him the same thing and we come to one conclusion - We just do.

    We dont know why we love each other, we dont know how we can stand each other. We just do....were in love..just like you.

    Its not stupid, its not dumb, its the truth. Sometimes he makes me want to smash my head into a cabinet lol...but I love him, thats the point. All his annoying habits are forgiven when I think about it.  

  10. You are not being stupid. There are reasons that you love him even if you can't list them. My husband and I have little in common. When he watches football and poker and all of that I usually sit there and read too. It is just that fact that we are together. It does not matter that we are doing two different things. When he is hunting I do things with the kids. I love my husband for who he is. He is funny and wants to make us laugh. He is honest and has integrity. He is straight forward and will tell you like it is every time. He is compassionate and caring. He puts his family first and loves his kids beyond explaining. He is the first one to come to someones rescue when they need it. He is dependable and hardworking. I even love how stubborn he is and that he will not back down or waver from what he believes. I could go on for days. Maybe the two of you need to take a little time to get out and do things together. Talk to each other and have some fun. Even when we are doing our own things we keep in touch. We talk a lot and stay connected.  

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