
What do you love an hate about your partner?

by Guest32925  |  earlier

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I have been with my man (now husband) for 6 years and I think I go in cycles as to what drives me crazy about him, and what drives me crazy in a good way. i am wondering, what drives you crazy about your partner and what do you love about them. Also, is there something you used to love but now hate and vice versa?




  1. What I love about my lover:

    He's considerate when we are together

    A skilled lover and great snuggler

    Intelligent, ambitious, hard working, patient, etc

    What I dislike about my lover:

    Workaholic (all work, very little play)

    Very career focused (won't take time for a relationship)

    His ability to ignore something and seem to not care (has a great poker face though)

    His flirting technique needs work

    We've been on/off/on for over a year now. If his work hadn't gotten in the way shortly after we got together last year, the "off" part probably wouldn't have happened. ☺♥☻

  2. I used to love that his hobby was video games cuz he had  a hobby that he loved, now thats all he does... what he prefers to do on days off. I feel too that he drank for fun and he is a fun drunk, but now I feel that he drinks to cover his feelings. I still love him like crazy and he has always been faithful and opens up to me and answers any questions I have, just can't expect anyone for there faults.. you have to love them unconditionally  

  3. hes g*y and i love it....he tossed my salad...and chewed my s*****m til it bled...tehn he licked my taint....i hate him

  4. I love it when i'm with her and hate it when i'm not. And when i started university she thought i was going leave her behind and i hated that she even thought that was a possibility. But i love the fact she doesn't ever want me to leave.

  5. They mess with you.

  6. I pretty much like everything about my wife.

    What has driven a wedge between us the last couple years is she has become a hardcore evangelical Christian.  I am agnostic and when I met her she was a Christian but not "practicing" you might say.

    Regardless, my wife is still very special and is probably about a 100x the spouse and loving partner I will ever be.

  7. I dont hate anything about my husband.

  8. I love it all, I miss it all. I don't have a partner and have not had one for a very long time now,,,thank you very much. why don't u tell us what you like first.

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