
What do you love and look forward to about Autumn?

by Guest65702  |  earlier

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I love Autumn, it's my favorite time of year. Summer is too hot and humid, Spring too cool and rainy, and winter too dead and cold Autumn for me is perfect. It's the perfect comfortable temperature, the leaves are beautiful, the food is awesome and festive, decorations are beautiful, people are happier and more in touch with family. I know this question is premature since it's still summer but I just moved to the south and I can't take the heat anymore...I need something like fall to look forward to...I've even started decorated for the season! What do you love and look forward to?




  1. Its a time of slowing down, family, friends, good food, and more. The temps have dropped some, there is a calm feeling all around. Things are much more relaxed. You can go sit outside for hours with out getting too hot or having to deal with mosquitoes.

    I love the cool, crisp fesh air. Especially in the morning, you walk outside and you get that little nose tingle from the air.

    Were I live we get alot migrating birds who will overnight in our fields. I love watching the older birds and the young ones who are on their first migration. The squirrels, deer and other animals are more active while storing up food and getting fat for the winter.

    We have horses, and when there is the first really cool morning they run, and play like there is no tomorrow. Its great being able to watch them enjoy themselves and the change of the seasons.

    The colours of the changing foliage are just awsome. All of the reds, oranges, browns and yellows of the leaves. The fall blooming flowers are coming out and  are providing a dramatic burst of even more color.

    The final harvest of the year are great too. For some reason to me, the fresh vegatbles during fall, taste better than at any other time of the year.

    And finally pumpkins. I love pumpkins. Their colors, shapes, and all of the yummy dishes from them.  

  2. Fall is my favorite season. The trees look their best in fall. I love the shades of fall - orange, yellow, red, brown and copper. The grass goes golden. Everything starts to slow down. There is not much to do in the garden, so I can sit back and relax. The sunlight is not so bright and everything looks beautiful in autumn sun. The days aren't too short.

    In Australia, Spring has just arrived, so it sounds a bit weird talking about fall. At the moment, Spring is great after the long cold sneeze winter.

  3. i love that crisp fall smell!

  4. The weather and the colors!

  5. a tail wind when I'm riding my bike...

  6. the cool air, the changing leaves, looking forward to thanksgiving day, oh, and buying new sweaters and jackets of course.

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