
What do you love / hate about your partners?

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What do you find attractive about their looks?

What qualities do you find attractive in them?

Would you change anything physical about them?

Would you change any part of their personality?

And what quirky things have they got that no-one else has?

What seperated them from the rest?

Have fun x*x




  1. 1. Tall, dark, handsome, unique

    2. Intelligent, kind, funny, easy-going

    3. Yes I'd wish for him not to have prostate cancer

    4. No

    5. Physically  - he has long hair, earrings and a funky dress sense.

    6. Honesty

  2. He always looks down on me, judges me for things I do that he doesn't, little things like singing out loud.

  3. Love everything about her.

    And that is after almost 40 years married.

  4. my hubby has a nice butt and really nice hazel green eyes, he is a hard worker and a great daddy, i would change his height he is a bit shorter than me , and as for his personality , it would have to be his lack of forgiveness for others , he never forgets what others do to him but seems to forget what his part was or what he has done to them. , as for what separates him from the rest he is my love and will always be forever!!!

  5. i love guys with brown hair and brown eyes

    he is really passive and doesnt create fights

    i wish he wasnt soo skinny

    i wish he would simply call me a ***** when i am

    he likes old stuff and old music

    he was quiet and it was a challenge to date him

  6. 1. His amazing eyes and adorable smile

    2. He's hard working and dedicated and very romantic

    3. His nose, hehe.

    4. Stop swearing so much! And be a little less judgemental.

    5. His slight lisp is adorable.

    6. His persistence  

  7. Q1- lovely hazel eyes u cud die for n dat cheeky smile

    Q2- sense of humour n modesty. he respects me n gives me my personal space

    Q3- yes- the size of something.....

    Q4- attitude problem n lack of understanding and sympathy at times but hey no ones perfect

    Q5- likes to wind me up but in a gud way

    Q6- HE MAKES ME FEEL SPECIAL n it feels like we were meant to be.

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