
What do you love/hate the most about a taurus?

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What do you love/hate the most about a taurus?




  1. Im an aries

    i can tell you the hates only

    because i can spot a taurus from a mile away :S

    and i think they aree






    stubborn again


    Cheers lol

  2. Positive- Down to earth or grounded, intelligent, can be warm..

    Negative-  Stubborn, impatient, can't empathize with someone else's

    (pain, struggles)  unless they make a very conscious effort to do so.

  3. they are very down to earth but, all the taurus i know are stubborn and wont show their emotions.

  4. Love - their unswerving loyalty, stability and kindness

    Hate - they can be extremely stubborn

  5. love: spunky & friendly

    hate: haven't driven one far enough to see their ugly side, hahas..

  6. Okay... I am a Taurus myself... but so are my stepmother, stepsister, friend and ex boyfriend. So I'll give it a try anyway.

    Love: calm and easy to talk to, know who they are, can be very loving, aren't prone to cause drama, good listeners, foreward about their opinion and emotions.

    Hate: too strong. Too stuck in their ways, once they have their mind made up they think they're right, assumptuous (always think they know what you're thinking). They can be very hostile, too, when they feel something they love is at risk. My stepmom will still see me as a 'threat' because she is convinced that I think she is stealing my father... erm, when I don't. At all. Typical Taurus. Thinks she knows how I think, stuck in it, and trying to conquer her stability with my dad by criticizing me. And of course my Taurean *** is too stoicin and cool to move a muscle... I know where I stand.

    We tend to have a hard time showing emotions. And when we don't care... we are really bad at hiding that.

  7. They get lousy gas mileage, and the paint peels off.

  8. Like - Down to Earth

    Dislike - Can be so stubborn sometimes it pisses me off.

  9. What do I love? Well, they're loyal, friendly, funny, and driven. Very family-oriented.

    But I hate that they can be very childish sometimes, and think very simply. Not in touch with their emotions. Stubborn.

  10. hate stubborn love strong minded and leaders

  11. good strong fighters,but too stubborn.

  12. I'm a Taurus.


    We are diplomatic

    laid back


    the most sensual sign



    great homemakers

    very considerate

    very easy to talk to

    give good/rational advice

    great cooks

    great host/hostess

    hard working

    we are not very emotional

    most sensual sign

    sign with the lowest divorce rate

    great ability to converse/get along with anyone


    #1 - We can be too stubborn at times.

    #2 - When we are mad at someone or dislike someone, we don't usually try to talk it out. We just ignore that person. They become like a stranger to us.

    #3 - We dont like change. We resist it.

    #4 - In relationships, we sometimes stick it out too long.

    #5 - We let things fester. We dislike confrontation and arguments so much. We keep all our emotion inside. Eventually we explode like a volcano and can lose control of ourselves.

  13. love: they're super smart

    hate: so stubborn  

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