
What do you love most about America?

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The United States of America that is...




  1. Freedom, the ability to adapt and change, our influence, hope, and the fact that if you follow your passion you have the ability and the right to achieve it.

  2. I love everything about America, it`s the lousy politicians who are running it down that I can`t stand. If these morons are kept in office, I fear for our future.

  3. As far the state... I think the organizational structure of the government is beautiful... the people share sovereignty with the constitution.  Further, because of the inertia built over time the constitution is more than a piece of paper and acts as a real check on the passions of the mob.

    As far as being an American in this moment, I love the opportunity being a citizen of the world's preeminent power affords.

  4. Freedom of course.

  5. I love its so called common people.  I love their spirit.  They keep on going and try to do the right thing.  They want to take care of the poor and needy they have compassion and sincerity.  They face hardships and always try to overcome them, they don't give up.  I love America's hard working so called common people they are the real America they are the heros and heroines.  The single Mothers and Fathers raising their kids. The Grandparents looking after their grandchildren and children.  Good neighbors helping each other.  Shame on those that put them down and take their hard earned money and waste it.  Send their young people to fight in unnecessary wars for others that won't fight for them selves. They just keep on and keep trying. I love these people.

  6. Hmm, is it the soil, the people, the ethnic diversity, the Constitution itself. What is love of country? We should be asking what we love about each other. Not just God Bless America and no one else. God bless us all, if that's what you truly believe. Love your enemies, even. Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. - Samuel Johnson

  7. cheeseburgers

  8. That I wasn't born there and that it is on the other side of the Atlantic.

  9. Because here, you can take it to the limit, and beyond. The answers about freedom are essentially good, but seem a bit trite. I occurs to me that what that really means is something we tend to take for granted until one or more of those freedoms are lost or taken from us. Many times in our collective history we find some impingment on freedom with the result being a change with unknown consequences. The real reason freedom still exists is because people in this country are allowed to extend their thinking as far as is humanly possible.What a great country.

  10. the so called "freedom"

  11. our interpretation of a democracy

  12. The right to the pursuit of happiness.

  13. I love a lot about our beautiful country. I love the freedom we have as US Citizens, I love our troops who defend our freedom, I love most our laws, I love the diversity of the seasons & land scapes we have, and I love the beautiful women we have here. There are quite a few other things I truly love about this country but I'll wrap it up at that...

  14. Despite the propaganda that tries to prove otherwise, we are a caring country, we despise terrorism, we won't be backed into a corner, and won't be blackmailed.

    Erich, that's what she's asking!

    Jeez, some dopes we got here.

    I sure don't love it because of the following junk...;...

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