
What do you love most about ramadan?

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Please tell me how you start your fast, and how you break it and what you love about ramadan

Mine goes like this:

1 reason why you LOVE RAMADAN

I love waking up. I hate eating food in the morning, especially, since I have a Pakistani family, my mum wakes up one hour before everyone else, & makes 'paratha' which is a Pakistani breakfast dish-fried flatbread & it's v. heavy so I feel stuffed. She serves this fried delicacy with sweet yoghurt & Pakistani spiced pickle or maybe some curry.

Then she forces me to drink 1 glass of water because I just don't drink water. And we pray, & then put the television on to listen to a Qari reciting the Qur'an.

Then I spend the day fasting&saving things to eat! Then the family counts down the minutes before the fast breaks & we eat 1 date & then mom lays the food spread out, consisting of other Pakistani food like: pakoras, samosa, roti (flatbread cooked on a metal girdle in the traditional way) &curry (karela, bindhi all delicious)

Plz answer!!




  1. first off if i were in Saudi Arabia i wouldnt have school.  which im not from there

    anyways i hate eating! especially in the morning it makes me feel sick. O_o  and second i like eating once a day and i hatye it when my mom skes me: what do you want for luch???

    i hate prepearing a 'luch' for school. i stay in from tof the frigde for 20 mins and then put nithing. i tell ym mom to put wht she want to put.

    i also like it because we loose wieght!!! seriously even though im the right wight.  lol

  2. it is our holly month, that's why!!

  3. wat?

  4. Does any body care, there will still be bombers blowing up innocent people in Iraq, because they are a different branch of Islam

  5. aww bless ya

    mine is basically the same as urs its as if ur family is mine!

    haha typical pakistani with the roti and saalan xD

  6. The Arab "mujahideen" in Darfur might stop raping non-Arab black Muslim women between suhoor and iftar

  7. BECAUSE ITS GOT 3 "A"s!

  8. its a holiday... no classes

  9. awww thts rele cute...ahaha thts wht my family does tooo...

    i think the best think abt it is....when u eat after all thosse hours.......its lk a heavenly feeling =]]]

  10. im not muslim but that whole starvation thing for the whole day just isnt my cup of tea. try thanksgiving wer you eat all day then you eat a huge feast that night. or christmas you eat all day then have a feast at night then get presents. but im shure the starvation thigs fun to

  11. I wake for suhoor every morning, and get the suhoor started.  usually we eat a combination of breakfast items, hummus/foul, cheese, eggs, cereal, fruit.  And of course plenty of water,juice, coffee and tea. Then I pray, read Quran.  Then I wake the kids and we all eat as a family.  Then I get the kids off to school, clean up and then have a little nap if possible.  I do not prepare the iftaar until much later in the day.  I spend the day reading Quran, and relaxing.  The best thing about Ramadan of course is the opportunity for repentance.

  12. more food for me

  13. I love the atmosphere in Ramadan.  I feel like this holiday strengthens family and community ties.  I really like getting up in the morning for suhoor and the thought of all muslims getting up at this hour too.  I like knowing that we are doing something for the unfortunate in this world.  And best of all, I love counting down the days to Eid!

  14. fell it in your hearth

  15. Ramadan is hardd.... I am soo thirsty and i cant even look at food.. haha

    but the fun things are going to see your family alot and eating the best foods and always being equal to everyone..

    ITS soo fun

    helping make the foods with your family

    Its Really fun.

    i like this question

  16. well mine goes similar

    i wake up in the morning, my mum usually wakes up 1 hour b4 too and she cooks paratha too and we eat. but normally we dont have desserts

    then i spend the rest of the day reading qur'an, fasting, praying and watching tv ( i have a muslim channel..mta)

    then i wait till the evening....i drink a glass of water or home-made juice....then i pray maghrib....then eat....then watch tv or sth.....pray isha...sleep

    and it goes the same the next day

    one thing else:

    the first day is normally hard

    edit: why the thuns down?

  17. This is pinky on Ramadan:

    It's cool, I get a feeling of being cleansed and a renewal of self.  A sense of accomplishment at completing it day by day.  Also I tend to feel closer to my family in that month.

    I get more focused in all aspects of my life too.

  18. As Salaam O Alyakum to all,

    Well, what I love about Ramadan, is that is it time for us to repent and earn more good deeds. I love the fact that I am starving for the Love of My Lord who has Created me, and I suth my stomach by Prasing/Glorying/Thanking Him.

    Usually we commit so many sins, knowgly or unknowgly., but MashaAllah Ramdan is a time to earn more good deeds by reciting Quran, Praying, doing hosework, uplohding the ties of kins and with other muslims.

    But it is so sad to hear that most of the muslims have Ramdan a festival of eating great food. May Allah guide us.

    Last Ramadan we were living with my in-laws (non-muslims) so i used to wake up for sahoor, then make a prantha or sandwich with tea and then wake my husband, then we have food, with dates and water. Then I pray, read Quran. :) then sleep for sometime b4 my husband goes to work. I spent half of the day doing house work and sometime praying and reading Quran or watching Islamic programs on the net. And if my husband's sister came to our home we cook quite many things. otherwise most of the time my husband opens fast in the Mosque bcoz his working time finshes just a little b4 the time for iftar.

    This time its gonna be different, InshaAllah. Bcoz now me and my husband are living sapreatly. :) so, InshaAllah i will be inviting my friends over for iftar and inshaAllah i wont have to open my fast alone most the time as it used to be.

    I am eagrly waitting for Ramdan.

  19. we really wanted to bloody know that didn't we

  20. I love the fact there's the whole unity and the pure intention of fasting and understanding how the poor feel, we also distribute many things amongst the poor so that makes me feel good.

    The food....i can go forever here LOl Its delicious!!!

    salamz sis

  21. hi

    i like the feel of knowing that you have just completed a day of not eating.

    i am a good person and kind but i get easily influenced by the devil- not praying

    and i quite like "paratha" lol but i usually just sprinkle loads of sugar lol

    i drink a glass of water too

    hope this helps

  22. It makes me more empathetic towards other people especially those who are the neediest.

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