
What do you love most about your pet?

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What do you love most about your pet?




  1. i love everything especially how it allows me to pet her and cuddle her.she is really cute.wats my pet?

  2. His soft hairs and his intelligence

  3. it's cuteness outside

    and beautifulness inside. =)

  4. everything

  5. I have dogs. I love that when I come home, they are thrilled to see me. Even when I just go out to get the mail, when i come back in the house they act like they haven't seen me in forever.  

  6. i love the fact that he's cute and so friendly ^_^

    he's a rabbit, just like the one on you avatar  

  7. He loves me.  He stays in my lap or is my shadow.  I can talk to him and he can't argue back.  He is a loving baby; and the best thing that ever happened to me.

    My baby is a male solid Chocolate Miniature ShihTzu, named Coco.

  8. everything! from the tricks he does, to the way his feet smell...goofy i know. and how he is always so happy and likes to play with toys that squeek. he is a doll and i love my dog.  

  9. That they love me back. They never run away. They always want to be near me and meow for me to pet them. I love them sooo much.

  10. i love that he cheers me up when im down..

    and that its always so busy in its lil tank lol

    (i have a hamster) so i think its so cute and i love that its poopies are so little

    ok let me stop b4 i creep anyone out lol

  11. I love to watch my cat fighting with any red necked lizards in the compound and i love it anytime i look for my little dog and found him in my grand ma's bed.

  12. i love that hes white and doesnt p**p everywhere. its like he has a mind of his own. he knows where to do his business.:D

  13. I think I like a puppy, a hamster, a white fur rabbit.

  14. I love that my bunn always likes to be by me she's really loyal and sweet, some times she does things that make laugh really hard like she'll chase around her tail like a dog, and when we come back home from some where she'll greet us by standing on her hind legs and nudging our butts when we bent down hehe... lol (I know it gross but it's REALLY REALLY adorable!)  

  15. ive got two guineapigs, 3yrs old, female

    cocacola : i love her so much! she is beautiful, loving and survived a 1 meter fall !

    pepsi: she is intelligent, hungry and soooo cute!

    i just love them.

  16. our cat is very sociable and always sits with us. i never feel alone. she lies on my tummy while i'm falling asleep and her purring is really relaxing

  17. Her total devotion to me and my wife.  

  18. The way he can make me laugh all the time. As a 4 month old golden retriever pup he has a knack of doing the most idiotic things. For example when playing with other dogs he is too slow and clumsy to jump and bite like the others so he just tries to sit on them. He does anything for attention so he steals anything that is ours, for example phones, playstation controlls, wireless computer mice...

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