
What do you make of anti-war comments such as.... ?

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" No one ever wins during a war. Innocent civilians just die. "

I don't know what it is about the above comment, but theres something not right about it.

Firstly, the gross simplification of two sides in conflict, as if to suggest in conflict there is never a good guy and a bad guy.

Secondly, are we to follow suite in a world driven by political correctness gone belly up ? As much as Mahatma Gandhi was right, he was just as much wrong im sorry to say that.

There comes a time when the aggressor must be hit hard - and direct, where it hurts. I find the comment:

"No one ever wins during a war. Innocent civilians just die." utterly disgusting and offensive for the following reason(s)

a) it discredits all those brave souls who perished on the allied front, fighting for humanity and civilization - against the n**i war machine, fascism.

b) to suggest that defeating Hitlers n**i War Machine brought up an inconclusive result, i.e 'no victory no loss' is absurd.

c) to go beyond that degree of absurdity by suggesting 'oh but nobody was victorious in ww2, everybody was a loser' is just preposterous.

Its easy to sit around waving anti-war banners and blowing whistles amongst a horde of ill mannered hippys, but lets face it, come armageddon or ww3 , when we're up against a powerful global regime or alliance of anti-western values, blowing whistles and organising 'stop the war now! ' or 'not in MY name!' banners won't save mankind.

Surely we can't forget the heroes of ww1 and ww2 ? how would people have reacted in those days if we said 'stop the war' ?

In war there are victors and there are losers, and in the war against terrorism i hope we (the free, liberal humane ones) will be the victors and not the oppressive radical anti-western folks.




  1. you say we the free liberal humane ones, i beg to differ. I can assure you as someone that has worked for the british military in various guises that all is not always as it seems with regard to the information you are given by the 2 main news agencies and you must remember that you will never see the end of the war on terror in your lifetime and so far in the last 7 years we have had more of our civil liberties taken from us by the state, it's ww3 right now and it's everywhere.

  2. These are mostly liberal comments based on appeasement.

    Weather you like it or not,,,,,this is a world governed by the aggressive use of force.

    Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

  3. You seem to have missed the point. That statement is attacking the aggressors. It's attacking the n**i party who put the state before the individual.

    The statement remains correct. If the military world over disintegrated then dictators would have no one with which to secure power.

    Paying men to murder each other is sickening. War is evil and despicable.

    I don't love my country. I don't love our "western values". I love my father, my mother, my brother, my friends and all the individuals that love me, and if any of them died to have one rag up a flag pole as opposed to another I would be heartbroken, and trade the glorious victory to bring them back if given the opportunity.

    You're seperating people into groups. "Western folks" and them. Easterners are human beings too. Russians, Iranians, Iraqis, all of them men, men with families.

    Yes, I believe WWII was a tragedy. The men of the Wermacht died in their millions in the name of patriotism, in the name of something they were taught was better than themselves.

    Your country is not better than you. It is a patch of land you happened to be born on. Killing someone for it seems absurd to me.

    I had many relatives in the Great and Second World War. I respect their memory, and pity them greatly, but it does not make me support the war. They could have had long, happy lives if the insane patriotism of the n***s hadn't forced them to fight and die.

    The point is that instigating these wars and dictatorous regimes in the first place is evil. Begining the wars is evil.

    Ghandi was right, and a lot smarter than you.

  4. Natural cowards aren't required to make logical slogan.

  5. Civilians are always in danger when their territory is at war. Always has been. Always will be.  

  6. War should be avoided.  Once we are in a war we should win it, but we should not become an Army of occupation and should not start wars based on lies.

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