
What do you make of the poll finding that 95% of UK kids are concerned about global warming?

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New research in the UK shows that 95% of kids between the ages of 4 and 15 questioned were 'concerned' by global warming, with more than half describing themselves as being 'very concerned'. And three out of four felt they were more fluent on the topic than their parents.

Dubbed 'Greenagers', they seem ready to put pressure on older generations to take the lead in environmental decision-making. And that’s not surprising when you look at the fact that some 70% of those polled believed climate change is something that will affect them in their lifetime.

What do you make of this finding?




  1. Because un-intelligent people and ignorant people are easily persuaded to buy into propaganda. They dont have fully developed brains yet. Why do you think they made the movie happy feet and all that c**p. Becasue kids buy into anything they believe in a fat man that drops down there chimney and brings them presents.. Global warming is just a fad just created by man to feel important and make money. I am sure people starving to death in africa give a c**p about global warming.. Let me tell you. People in these countries like the USA have nothing better to worry about so they create fake problems so they feel they are doing something good with a purpose ! Seriously who is dumb enough to see a video of a polar bear and a hurricane and say Oh c**p al gore is right. becasue there were so many cars in the jurrasic period Oh man we caused the extinction of the dinosaurs by a major climate change !! (OH wait man didnt even exist) Well i guess the earth has changed many times without man. But now that we exist we have to be the ones doing it. RIGHT ?

  2. How many are very concerned with monsters under the bed?

  3. that is a load of c**p the kids ages 4-9 dont know anything about it no doubt they probly just think o no the world were gonna die

  4. AMerica is unique in its utter prowess at pretending things aren't real when the truth poses an inconvenience.  We rely on mass consumerism and environmental degradation to fuel our economy... God's economy, as they'd have you believe.  Some degree of alarm is necessary in order to try to curb destructive behaviors.  If you put a Republican on a sinking ship, he'd deny it was sinking and insist everyone go about their business even as the water's puring in, just so he wouldn't miss dinner!  The Europeans don't quite have so much to lose, because they're not the ones who are wealthy from massive industry.  The US is, so we have a slice of the population who'll really fight tooth and nail to shoot the whole green movement down.  

    Light a smoke, take a spin in the ol' SUV, and relax, guy!  That's America's stance.  The kids are the ones who'll see the effects in their lifetime, as are the young adults.  Once again, Europe has shown that they've pulled ahead in terms of civility in the modern world.

  5. i think it shows how much better of an education system they have over there. and it also shows how american ignorance will be the death of us.

  6. A recent poll found 98% of polls to conclude exactly what the pollsters were after.  When the pollsters were polled concerning the poll about polls, the poll of the pollsters couldn't be concluded for the laughter. -ME

    What do I make of it?  GIGO - Garbage In, Garbage Out

    Socialized education hard at work.  The kids won't be able to perform the calculations needed to conclude man's causing global warming, but they'll take everyone else's word for it.  Mommy and daddy dearest must be so proud...

  7. Sounds like the alarmist indoctrination is working

  8. It demonstrates the high level of socialism, not the level of knowledge of science.  Brits are like New Yorkers.  They are convinced they are right yet continue to make the same mistakes.  When socialism doesn't work the first time, their solution is invariably to tax and spend more.

  9. but UK still can't fix  teeth

  10. The propaganda machine is very effective. But man there is going to be a lot of pissed off young adults in the UK when they find out the truth.

  11. If you are told over and over by the media and government that you need to be concerned about something for most or all of your life, do you think you would be concerned about it? Of course. All this poll really does is shore up this obvious observation. It has no real meaning.

  12. It shows that children in the UK are worried that if the Atlantic current would to stop, they would be in an ice age within 10 years. Either that or the UK teaches both sides of the global warming or "climate change" story.

  13. I would say that the gvmt was doing their job very well.

    "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it." [H.L. Mencken]

    "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." [H. L. Mencken]

    No doubt that this will be the generation that will lay their freedom at the gvmts feet and say to them, 'Make us your slaves, but protect us'

  14. Great. I hope that info. spreads to the US soon.

  15. I feel bad for these children that they have been burdened with this worry.

    They ought to be taught that global warming is not a bad thing!  Especially in the UK!  Adding a few degrees to each season would be wonderful.  If we can control this warming, I say let's accelerate it for the sake of the British children.

  16. Before it's all over pollution slaves will be on their knees begging for forgiveness.

  17. Great... another generation of pessimistic control freaks, dominated by a new sublime religion.Least they could do is teach them about real world problems.

  18. This is probably because they were taught what the outdated science says. I have been doing some research in the last few months and my data is suggesting that global warming is natural. I know you will give me a thumbs down but you cannot argue with science.

  19. You'll be surprised to know these kids know more about Global Warming than you think,apart from the education system,we have programmes for young ones,that encourage the whole Going Green to make the world a better place.

    They are also being encourage to eat more healthier,and recycle,which is on going all over the UK.

  20. It just shows that they are better educated. Even today the Americans are still killing the English literally speaking I mean.

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