
What do you make of these quotes please.?

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Clarence Darrow......The pursuit of truth will set you free; even if you never catch up with it.

Peter Drucker..... The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Bernard Baruch......Vote for the man who promises least, he`ll be the least disappointing.

All from google mail page




  1. I agree that chasing truth is a good thing, but it only sets you free, if you chasing the right truth...some people chase after something they perceive to be true and they will never find real truth because they get blinded by their perceptions of what is truth.

    Amen, to that. We are in control of our attitudes toward how the world deals with us and that is the most important. We can't control things that happen to us, but we can control how we react to in a sense then, we can create our own future.  Life gives you lemons,,,make lemonade.

    Sadly, that it all too true....don't give me empty promises you can't keep,,,give me one or two things, you know you can make better.

  2. i said pheasants  no bald headed eagals *

    unless it is  Jack+son..

    ..CAN YOU Point him  out *

    [ i do not trust anyboby,*

      I refuse to ride elavators  that say DOWN *

  3. Most quotes have some logic, there are too many instances that affect and change our lives to safely say we can ever create the future, accept and adapt, yes.

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