
What do you make of this article? Is the Iran thing this serious?

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I think it may be.




  1. It will end up become very serious, trust me.  The rest of the world sides with Iran, not the USA.

    Iran will retailiate, not just by firepower, but they will attempt to shut the Strait of Hormuz, where most of the world's oil supply flows through.  And Iran is backed by Russia and China, they won't take a backseat.

    The price of gas will skyrocket if Iran is attacked.

    And Dylan, you have seriously problems if you think the answer to everything is to drop a huge bomb on a country.  If you love Israel so much, pack up and move there.

  2. I think it is, but those 320,000 graves will be filled with Iranians, not invaders.

  3. Of course the Iran thing is serious.  I has been for a while.  And not because they are the huge threat that Saddam was (lol), but because we have a couple of crazies in the White House looking to stir up something for a Democratic successor and make some big money.  Evidence of this intent extends far back.  

    Do some research on the previously planned, largest conventional explosion test ever to occur.  This was put together after the Republican Congress' refusal to grant authority to test or use low-yeild devices.  I forget what show it was, but they even took TV reporters to the deep underground, hardened bunkers they were trying to impact.  The idea was to conventially test (thus legally) what size low-yield nuclear device would be required to destroy such construction.  The construction was coincidentally based on Iranian nuclear facilities.  The test was ultimately scrapped due to public outcry and environmental concerns.

    Or, we could go into why the CIA front company Valorie Plame worked for was exposed.  This company was helping Iran develop peaceful nuclear power while keeping eye on what they else they could be doing.  Straight from the war-monger VP's office, the company was exposed and disintegrated.... the ONLY CIA presence in Iran.  Here is the key point - the intelligence gap has been filled by MIA.  The CIA is accountable and can be compelled to testify before Congress while the MIA can not.  That means that they can say whatever they want without the inconvenience or embarrassment of purgery convictions.

    Other than uranium enrichment being a convenient excuse, I suspect the deeper reason for this is so that an oil-rich White House and all their Texas friends can sell their oil for $300 a barrel to speculative investors instead of $140. Attacking Iraq did a pretty good job quadrupling the price... but there is still much more money to be made in oil and military contracts.

    Iran has this crazy idea of being totally energy independent. They want nuclear power to run their country instead of hydrocarbons, like France. But being labeled as an "Axis of Evil" by the world's only superpower means it would be very difficult to do so reliably. And since the UN controls distribution of 2% enriched uranium for power under the NPT, and the US has the strongest influence in the UN (security council), then they would be at our mercy for energy and would be forced to "play ball" with whatever America wanted.  

    For all those that think military action should happen without clear evidence of bomb building (which all accounts put out further than 10 years), I would also point out that Iran has never attacked anyone. They aren't like America or our former ally Saddam.

    There is a huge leap between being able to enrich 2% uranium for power and 99% for atomic weapons. There is an even larger leap between being able to enrich 99% and actually being able to build a bomb. Just look at the failure of North Korea's first test... and they have been working on it for a LONG time with Pakistan.

    The plan is "controlled chaos." Because with controlled chaos, you can steal and you can make a killer profit doing the exact same thing.

    This is as serious as a heart attack.  Many people will die.  We don't know how the world will react or what kind of nuclear c**p will be tossed into the air.  Two full carrier groups are in the region.  Semore Hersh is reporting that special services and MIA are conducting OPS right now inside Iran.  The CENTCOM commander that refused to attack Iran resigned a couple months ago.

    If you could bet on this in Vegas, I'd take out a second mortgage on my house, sell our cars, liquidate all my savings, and put it all on an attack during November - January.  Then I would retire after the big payout.

  4. Iran is stupid.  He is going to get his nuclear toys blown up if he doesn't quit enrichment.  I advocate an Israeli airstrike on nuclear targets.  We cannot let the man who has vowed to destroy another country obtain theost destructive weapon on the face of the planet.

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