
What do you make of this dream?

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my mother passed away nearly two years ago we were very close,like best friends,well i often dream of her,but last night i had the most vivid dream,my mother was there clear as day,advising me not to go back with my ex husband,which i have no intention of doing so(hes remarried)she was telling me if i go back with him,something bad will happen,my mum was looking really happy and well,(she died in a lot of pain) i cant understand this dream,i really did love my ex,and we got a daughter together,but he broke my heart and that was 8 years gone,we only speak because of our daughter,thanks for any answers




  1. More than likely, your ex doesn't represent himself in the dream.  He's a "stand in" for someone or something else.

    What are you considering "going for" or going "back to" right now?

    A new relationship?

    A habit or vice you're kicked?

    (smoking, drinking, gambling?)

    a job, place or relationship where you've been hurt before?

    Prayerfully consider the possibilities.  Remember, Mother knows best!

    God bless you,


  2. hmm, intresting. Your mother, in this case, most likely represents comfort, security, and guidance/leadership (hence the advice) stemming from the traditional role of the mother in the daughter's life. Also, since you were close with your mother and the circumstances under which she died, that could explain why she looked she would be represented in the most visually appealing way possible to your conciousness.

    The advice not to go back to your ex, could imply that (either conciously or sub-conciously) that you still have feelings for your him. These feelings coupled with the akward situation (he's remarried, you two don't really talk, etc) could result in feelings of rejection, jealousy, humiliation and loniliness. Thus the need for comfort, security and leadership/guidance, in the form of your mother, in the most appealing way possible (ie, her happy demeanor)

    Hope this helps!

  3. Dreams however nice and realistic they may seem, they are only your subconscious thinking without you aware of it. Getting back with your ex-husband, even though something that will not happen, could be something that you think about or that is on your mind. But this dream could have an altogether totally different meaning to it. It may just be De'ja vu.

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