
What do you make of this (see details below)?

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This happened to me so way back, I was in my second year of college. I was dating this guy who looked pretty much like a model. Nice body, fun personality and just easy on the eyes in general. So, my one "friend" gets to meet him once and she says: "You b..., I can't believe you're going out with HIM?"

As in what? The guy was too good looking for me or something?

Also happened when I got married. One old lady said that my husband was too good looking for me.

So, what's going on in these women's heads? What the h**l was I supposed to make of those comments?




  1. I'm dating a guy that all the girls stare at. He's tall with nice bone structure, he's very handsome and well spoken.

    Women try to chat him up all the time and will even go as far as being rude trying to make me look bad when we're out together. He ignores all these women and even has told them off on occasion.

    Enjoy these women's pathetic envy. I sure do.

  2. For some reason those women don't have a high opinion of guess would be that's jealousy.  I would be slightly offended but then ok because more than likely they are just being envious.

  3. Count yourself lucky.  You are able to make other women jealous.

    Stop worrying about what others think and just enjoy what you've got.

  4. Well, in the first case, I guess it could sort of be construed as a compliment... "You lucky... I can't belive you're going out with HIM?" You know?  I wasn't there, so I don't know the inflection she used or anything but just a thought.

    In the second case, that's just not right, and not only that, it's none of her business!  A few weeks ago I was at the store and there was this absolutely gorgeous half-Asian woman who was snuggling up to whom I presume to be her man: he looked like a real-life Peter Griffin... fat, kinda hairy looking, big glasses, dressed badly, just devoid of grace in everyway... but my thought was "nice one, dude!"  Obviously he's got something she's looking for and whatever that is is none of my business.  I'm happy that they're happy.

  5. Women can cut each other down, if one out of the group is single and the rest are attacted its, "so, when are you going to get yourself a man?". As if you can't and so on..... any s**t or w***e rumours that go around are spread by women too......


  6. Sounds like pure Jealously. You go Girl!

  7. Uh, they're jealous and rude. What's to understand?

  8. Seems to me that those people are either extremely rude or jealous. It's none of they're business over what guys you get, so you shouldn't even worry about them. I know its hard to get over people judging, but as long as you're happy, and that he doesn't start thinking the same way, it's going to be alright. :]

    I hope this helped you.  

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